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Her head was spinning, none of it made sense to her.
She lifted her dress up to her breasts and looked at her stomach.
All the signs were there.
The dark black line and her stomach was bulgy.
"How did I miss this?"
She scolded herself but she knew it was a little but too late for regrets.
She got up from the floor. She didn't even know how she was going to do it, how she was going to move on from this.
She didn't need any more baggage, she already had a lot on her plate.
Tears just continued to fall from her eyes.
What was she going to offer her child?
She barely has nothing as is. How was she going to handle having a human being depend on her?
She flushed then got out of the toilet.
She looked at herself in the mirror, unable to recognize her reflection .
" Ayanda? "
She called to the reflection.
" You look horrible! "
She said to her replica.
" Your eyes are swollen, you have eye bags and your makeup is messed up. Who are you calling horrible again? "
" You're right "
She answered back.
She couldn't go on anymore because the last thing she needed was to add craziness to her list of troubles.
She splashed water on her face, then fixed herself up with a tissue before Walking out, with a fake smile plastered on her face.
" I thought you had drowned in there "
Said her friend, Alexis.
They were living together for this moment.
She could not begin to imagine where she'd be now, had she not been a good friend and offered her a place to stay.
" They all came back positive. All five of them "
Alexis wasn't surprised. She saw this. She knew this.
Her friend didn't believe her .
Ayanda and Alexis are not that close.
She thinks she's just pitying her but that's not how Alexis feels.
Poor Ayanda was convinced she has no one.
" I'm so sorry " Was all she managed to say to her friend who was just looking down, trying not to cry.
" He ruined my life and now he's getting married like we never happened "
She couldn't hold in the tears anymore.
She just cried.
" I'll be here for you, through it all "
Alexis assured her but she wasn't buying it.
" How? We both can hardly make ends meet. How is that going to happen? "
She refused to listen to her. She was convinced this was her doom, that this was the end of her.
She didn't even want to think much about it.
" I don't know why you refuse to let me be there for you. We've been friends for six months. Surely you don't think I'll abandon you like everyone else "
She was trying to get through to her friend who was adamant that she's all alone, that no one wants her and that she's meant to be alone, broke and unloved.
No one loves her and if they did, not enough to stay
It was only a matter of time before Alexis leaves, she thought.
" What am I going to give her? "
Her mind was in turmoil, a lot of thoughts were running through it that she felt she could separate her body from her head.
" Why not tell S... "
She didn't allow her to finish
" Don't even mention his name! "
She snapped. Alexis kept quiet. She knew how this would end if she were to pursue it any further.
Everything between her and Siya where fine or so she thought until he finally revealed his true colors.
This was something she still couldn't deal with.
It was something she couldn't move from.
Just knowing that he.. That he.. After everything they went through, he did the one thing he promised not to do.
He did the one thing she never thought he could do.
He left her.
He left her and moved on with his life like nothing happened.
"Why? Why would he do that? "
She wondered.
Getting into her room, she went to the drawer and took out the picture she had cut out from the newspaper
The picture announcing his marriage to his highschool sweetheart.
He had lied to her.
She couldn't handle it.
She took out a scissor and cut of his head
" Damn you Siyabulela! "

Broken Promises : Ayanda  (COMPLETED) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora