Never Again

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Heyyyoooo! I am SOOOOO Sorry for not updating, I took a small break to just read fanfictions and relax! But I'm back!

Kirishima's P.O.V

Everyone in the class was here, in the huge gym room that was full of music, colours and happiness. The celebration was going on amazingly, and Kaminari even snuck some liquor in. There were red and black ballons everywhere, as if especially made for me. There was a very long table at the side of the gym, with random food and drink items placed all over. Punch, cakes, muffins, cookies, the liquor, and more.I was so grateful for my friends, so I secretly baked them all a cake. They scolded me for doing that since the party was for me, but they finished it in under fives minutes.

And lemme tell you, that cake was H U G E. Like really huge. That was all mah eggs and flour ;-; But it wasn't surprising. It was class 1-A afterall. I smiled warmly and looked over to my right to see Todoroki walking up to me. I smiled and waved. "Hey Todoroki!" The heterochromic boy smiled back, a gesture he doesn't show very oftenly. It felt nice to see him smile.

"I just wanted to say, thanks for saving me. Really, I owe you my life" I confessed, looking down with a smile. Todoroki put his hand on my shoulder, "Kirishima, can I tell you something?" I nodded, slowly and calmly, indicating that I was listening. He softly took hold of my arm and lead me towards the school garden. The full moon was the only thing seen at the sky, for all the stars were cleared. The light of the moon was reflected by the bluish-green grass, that had droplets all over them from the watering system.

Todoroki stopped and turned around, looking me in the eyes. He was wearing a fully white suit, with brown shoes and a black tie. I in the other hand wore a black suit, with black shoes and a white tie. Todoroki took ahold of my hand and took a deep breath.


I love you"

My eyes widened and my mouth dropped, my untidy black-to red hair swayed in the wind as I stared at him. Then my face relaxed. I smiled. I hugged him. And I told him....

"I love you too!"

This time it was Todoroki's turn tobe surprised. He looked at me with shimmering eyes and a hopeful look. "You.... you do...?" My reply was an eager nod and a toothy grin. "Of course! Todoroki, you're the manliest man I've ever met in mankind! You're strong, smart, amazing, kind, handsome, an—"

I was interrupted with a kiss. The best kiss I ever imagined to have. No hesitation, no nothin', I kissed back. After a few seconds and hugged him tight. "I'm so happy! This is the best day ever!!!" I cheered.

Todoroki only smiled warmly, hugging me as tightly as possible to not hurt me, just so I don't disappear anymore.

The end

Possessive {Todoroki x Kirishima}Where stories live. Discover now