Shut up

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Hiii! So, as you know, I'm a slow updater so I am gonna try as much as humanly possible, cause I feel bad for making you guys wait. I'll even try to update everyday! Anyways, I hope you are enjoying this story and thanks a lot for the support! And By the way, this chap is gon' have some deep shit :/

Kirishima's P.O.V

Last thing I remembered was pushing Todoroki away as he screamed my name. I feel a massive headache, as I slowly try to open my eyes. Once I did, I squinted them due to the bright light that illuminated. Where in the world am I? I managed to open both eyes after a minute or so, my eyes getting used to the light. I was in a bar, and it seemed that I was tied to a chair. My hair brushed my face as I looked around. I was nervous, but I tried not tp panic. And oh damn, it hit me. I was in the base of the League of Villains!

I tried breathing steadily, trying my best not to hyperventilate or panic. It was working well. I tried moving my hands, no use. They were chained together. I then heard the sound of footsteps, snapping my head towards that direction. And guess who it was.

Motherfrickin' Shigaraki Tomura with Dabi. Oh dear lord please help me. As if that wasn't enough, there were Toga and mist man, which I think was named Kurogiri. 'Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck' I repeatedly thought. What's gonna happen? Am I gonna die? Oh damn I'm gonna die.

I mentally slapped myself. 'C'mon Eijiro, try to be optimistic. That's your second power!' I glared at the group of villains, trying my best not to show any fear or weakness. I'm a hero, and heroes have to be strong and manly.

"Well, well, well. You must be Kirishima Eijiro. The guy that stands up for manliness and his friends no matter what?" Shigaraki teased. 'And you must be a bitch' I thought, but I wouldn't say that out loud. I kept showing a cold face.

"W-why am I here?" I asked, mentally cursing myself for stuttering. "Do you really wannna know?" Asked Dabi who was sitting on the couch along with Toga. "Yeah. That's why I'm asking" I replied, waiting for an answer. "Don't get cocky. We know your secret, Kirishima Eijirou. Your small, yet hidden secret. We know about everyone in your class" I looked at the tall, black haired man with wide eyes and a confused expression. "Se-secret..? What secret..?" A moment of silence passed, as I anxiously waited for an explanation of some sort. "We know that you're unsure of yourself. We know that you doubt yourself. We know why you dyed your hair.... we know that you don't see yourself as a hero. And that is a weakness we can use" Shigaraki said with a smirk.

How did they know? Did they kidnap me because I'm an easy target? Do... do they know what I did..? "You were the reason she's gone now. Are you gonna deny it?" Shigaraki teased with a smirk. My eyes widened, and my breathing sped up. Cold sweat slowly dripped down, but I tried not to show my fear. But the thoughts haunted my mind... It Indeed was my fault... It's my fault, it's my fault, it's my fault..! It's my fault she's gone.. It's my fault my little sister was kidnapped!

"Shut up, shut up, shut up..!" I jerked my head up and looked at the villain straight into the eyes. "It's none of your damn business!" I didn't shout, but I said it loudly. "As expected. You're acting just like that Bakugou. You're trying to intimidate us and make yourself look stronger. Just like Bakugou would do. I can give you an advice, that guy will never be a good hero." Shigaraki said in a deep tone.

"Don't.... don't you dare think low of him...! He's a better hero than any of you think!" I defended. Dabi then retorted, "he's a better hero than you will ever be"

I instantly shut up. I didn't say any words after that... But I had to admit...He was right... I'm not a hero... I couldn't save someone... "A hero does not doubt themself. You're just afraid that your friends will think low of you. You just want to prove that you're not a coward, but what will you do when your friends are in trouble?" Said Shigaraki, as I looked down at my feet. Everything.. Everything they said.... was absolutely true...

Wow okay that went deep. Surely next chapter won't be so dark  \_()_/

Possessive {Todoroki x Kirishima}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang