"I need you," Dean stated simply as he thought about the baby cooking in his belly. He was tempted to just tell Castiel straight that he was pregnant but why would he believe him. Castiel reciprocated by stepping away and pushing his hands away from him, making Dean cringe.

"We're family," Dean tried but Castiel just huffed as he twirled the golden wedding band on his finger. Dean closed his eyes as he gazed down at his stomach, but only for a moment before looked Castiel straight in the eye. His tone was serious but soft from the emotions coursing through him.

"I can't do it Cas," Dean stated with the feeling a dread filling his heart. His voice was small and rough like he hadn't spoken for days. You could hear in his voice that he was beginning to choke up from the pure honestly graving into his words. 

"I'm not strong enough," he said honestly. Of course, Dean knew why he was talking like this, his baby needs him, Dean needed support from the father of his child. Castiel oblivious to the situation just blinked and tilted his head. Dean smiled slightly before attempting to reach out to Castiel but the other man just stepped back.

"Why? I never wanted you to go," Dean cried as he was no longer ashamed to let his tears slip from his face. Castiel's face twisted with anger but it didn't seem to be directed at Dean.

"I left you for a reason, Dean, this is my destiny, you should follow yours," Castiel turned so his shoulders were facing the younger man. Dean wanted to reach out and touch him, telling him everything but he quickly put his hands back down at his side. The younger man turned to walk out but stopped when his heart nearly fell out of his chest. 

"You know, I've said sorry for everything I've done. When will I hear it from you?" Dean had the urge to snarl and get angry but he didn't have the heart. Castiel was happy where he was and that was how it should stay. Dean was just a nuisance that would never go away and at that moment Dean made his decision to just stay away, and if Castiel wanted to see him he knew where to find him. Without another word, Dean walked away leaving Castiel in the kitchen. Sam and Amelia were chatting quite loudly in the living room but it didn't take much for Sam to see the destress on his brother's face. 

While Sam was bidding Amelia goodbye Dean noticed a book on one of the stands. It was perched next to a lamp with a bookmark on the inside. Dean knew it was Castiel's because he was the only person that read books like a madman and there were no other books around. Quickly while Amelia had her back turned Dean snatched the ultrasound out of his pocket and quickly pushed the picture between a couple of random pages. Once Dean had planted the ultrasound he hurried Sam out of the house and passed him the keys. Quickly getting into the car Dean slammed the door and ordered Sam to drive. 

Sam and Dean had left suddenly, almost as if they weren't even there. Sam drove for what seemed like hours before he stopped and pulled over to the side of the road. He hopped out of the Impala before smacking the door closed. Dean followed close behind as Sam took a seat on the Impala's hood. Dean sat next to him with his hands clasped in between his knees.

"I heard you, Dean," Sam started as he glanced over at his brother. Dean didn't look up at him as he stared at his hands, quiet as ever Sam prayed once more.

"Did he ever... hurt you?" Sam asked carefully, but Dean's head shot up and looked over at his brother, almost angrily.

"No Sam, he didn't." Dean brows furrowed together as he let out a snarl as if telling him not to bother. Sam seemed sour as raised his hand to rest on Dean's shoulder comfortingly. Dean's stance seemed to change dramatically before he turned to Sam with an apologetic look.

"Dean, what happened at the end of the relationship?" Sam asked sympathetically as Dean shrugged his hand off his shoulder. His forest greens started right at the ground between his feet as he was lost in thought. But deep down he knew Sam needed to know because Dean was now forever going to be linked to Castiel. Dean sighed before he grabbed a picture from out of his pocket. It was the extra ultrasound screening of his little girl. But when he couldn't look at it any longer he handed it over to Sam as he knew that his brother would want a copy of it.

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