Start from the beginning

He runs over "Who are those for?"

"O-Oh! They're for the house, to make it look nice!"

Germany chuckles "They're for someone special, aren't they?"


"You're blushing!"

I start walking home faster.

Germany starts running to keep up. I see my house ahead.

I run for it.

I slow down just as I walk inside and lock the door behind me.

America looks up from his work "Welcome back!"

I hesitate, but walk over and give him the flowers.

He gasps "Roses!"

He hugs me. "I love them! Thank you!"

He runs off to grab a vase.

He comes back with a vase. There are hearts on it. He puts the roses in the vase.

"Hearts are my favorite shape!"

I hug him gently, mumbling. "You've found your way into mine."

"What was that?"


"You said something."

"Uh.. I like hearts too..?"

Meri smiles sweetly. "Of course you do! You're so nice!"

He leans on my chest. "You have the nicest heart of them all."

I pick him up and hug him. He hugs back.

He quietly says "I like this. Can we stay living like this? Its very nice always being close to you. I feel safe."

He buries his face in the crook of my neck, causing my face to grow warmer.

There's a knock at the door. I walk over, still holding Meri.

It's Germany.

He smirks "I knew that was why you got the roses."

"Leave us alone, Germany."

Germany checks his watch. "I have to go!"

America says "A date?"

Germany runs away before answering.

America chuckles "He's got a date."

I close the door, then carry him over to the couch.

I sit down, hugging Meri tightly.

He snuggles against my chest. "Can we watch a movie?"

"One movie, then we have some work to do."

"I get to pick the movie!"

I chuckle as he grabs the tv remote. I grab a blanket and drop it on the couch. I grab our favorite snacks and plop down on the couch with Meri.

He's looking for a movie, and I wrap the blanket around us.

He selects a movie, and we start watching.

He leans on me, eating his snacks and staring at the screen.

He giggles at most of the jokes, and I chuckle with him.

He snuggles against me more.

I put my ushanka on his head.

He giggles "I'm you now!"


I take his sunglasses and put them on.
"Now I'm you!"

The movie finishes, and Meri stands up. "I'm Russia and I say we can watch another movie because work is boring."

I laugh a little. "I don't sound like that!"

He's quiet for a minute. "Hmm... I'm Russia. I'm a big cuddly teddy bear who's really nice!"

He looks so proud of himself. I smile "There you go."

"Okay! Now you be America!"

"Hmm... I'm America. I'm a small precious bean, and I love hearts! My smile is the most adorable thing on the planet!"

Meri's quiet.

I realize what I said.

I start blushing and hide my face in my hands "Never mind."

After a few minutes, Meri asks "You think my smile is adorable?"

I nod, still embarrassed.

"You think it's the most adorable thing on the planet?"

I hesitantly nod again.

He's really quiet.

I look up at him. He's smiling his adorable smile.

He runs over and hugs me. "I've never heard anyone say that! Thank you!"

I pick him up, still hugging him. He smiles more. "I love you Russia!-"

He covers his mouth.

I nuzzle him gently, mumbling "I love you too."

He hugs me tighter, smiling widely.

We stay like this for a while, holding each other close. Meri shifts slightly. "Does this mean we're together?"

"If you want to be."

"I want to be with you."

He yawns. "I want to be safe with you."

I sit down on the couch. He leans on my shoulder and starts falling asleep.

I chuckle "I guess work can wait until tomorrow."

He hums, then falls asleep, using my lap as a pillow.

I smile, then slowly fall asleep as well.

I'm stuck with you, and I like it (OLD AND DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now