5 - Back at the Start?

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*Americas PoV*

I feel something warm wrapped around me.

I can't move.

Everything hurts, but whoever's hugging me is being gentle.

After a while, my eyes start to open.

I see Russia hugging me. Isn't he mean? Didn't he hurt me?!

He looks up, and I notice him crying. He smiles "Y-You're a-awake! I-I was s-so worried, Meri!"



"Don't you h-hate me? Why are you here? To hurt me again?"

He lets go and steps back a bit.

"Why would I-"

"You did this to me, didn't you?!"

"No, it was some kids at college. I should've been there to stop them."

"Why would you?! The last things I remember are that you threw me in a trash can, and I'm in a dorm with you."

"More happened after that! I h-helped you!"

"Stop lying! There's no way someone like you would help me!!"

It's quiet, until he runs out of the room. His dad chases him.

I try to fall asleep again.

*Russias PoV*

I run back to the dorm, tears streaming down my face.

Everyone stares at me.

They start blocking my path, but I push them away.

I run to my dorm and quickly start unlocking it, when I'm grabbed. I turn to see a large group of people.

Someone asks "Why are you crying?"

"None of your business!!"

I try to get my door open, and someone yells "But no one's ever seen you cry like this before!!"

I open my door, run in, slam the door closed, and lock it.

I cry as I make my way over to me secret vodka stash.

I drink to drown away the emotions.

*+*Weeks later, when America gets back from the hospital*+*

*Americas PoV*

I go back to the dorm.

I'm scared that Russia will get mad and hurt me.

I silently open the door, and hear crying from the bedroom.

I close and lock the door, then silently go to the bedroom. I peek in to see Russia crying, hugging one of my sketchbooks..

I'm stuck with you, and I like it (OLD AND DISCONTINUED)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat