10 - The end?

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I hold Russia close to me, crying.

Russia's still breathing, but it's slower than normal.

I'm scared the nightmare is gonna come true..

Paramedics come and take Russia to the closest hospital.

I sit on the floor, still crying.

He's one of the only people to treat me nicely.

I want him to be safe. He helped me.

Ethiopia walks over and helps me stand up. She brings me to the back area. I sit on the couch and cry.

*+*A week later*+*

Ethiopia is taking me to the hospital to visit Russia. I've been staying with her, since she has a guest room.

We walk into Russia's room. His leg is in a cast. The other is in plain bandages.

He looks up at me and smiles. I run over to him. "Russia are you gonna be okay?"

"I should be fine in about seven weeks."

I hug him. "That's only two weeks before graduation. How are we gonna get enough money for a new place to live?"

Ethiopia tilts her head slightly "Didn't Soviet own a super rich business? You would inherit it, Russia."

Russia's eyes light up slightly. "I would!"

Then his eyes dim. "But.. Only because he's dead..."

I rub his back gently. "He would have wanted you to have it. You were going to college for that, so you're ready."

Russia smiles sadly. "That sounds like something he would have said."

We talk until visiting hours are over, discussing what will happen in the future.

*+*Time skip to graduation*+*

Nothing too bad has happened while Russia was in the hospital. He's standing next to me.

The ceremony is over, and we're watching the other kids take photos with their families.

We stand together, off to the side.

We both lost parents before this day. I don't have any family left who would care. Russia's family doesn't care either.

We leave early.

We go home. Russia was able to get a house. He owns his Father's company now.

We walk inside, and Russia plops down on the couch. I sit with him.

This feels like a happy ending.

A good place to end things.

I work with Russia still, helping around his company. We make a good team.

I'm glad to be his friend.

The End


I'm stuck with you, and I like it (OLD AND DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now