Chapter 14 : Twist of Events

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Yuna's POV

I have given up on everything. Ever since that picture had gone around, everyone has been texting me here and there saying that I broke Jihyo's heart and so on. But the main thing is I didn't do it. And the only damn people to prove that would be Irene and Suga. But of course, they're not gonna do that cause they already have what they wanted. I have no one.

That is why I have decided to make this decision. I'm standing at the bridge right now. I have just finished recording the voice message for my brother. For the others like Twice, BlackPink and my other friends in general, I wrote letters. They explained about the times I had with them and all the good memories. And I apologized it had to end like this, but everyone was giving hate and I couldn't stand it anymore.

Killing myself was the last thing on my list to remove pain. But, not having Jihyo or my friends around me to support me, I can't live. I had dropped by Jihyo's parents place earlier. I needed to apologize for the stuff I had put Jihyo through and the fact that her dad gave me his blessing was an honour. Unfortunately, that blessing would have to go to Suga now. I hope everyones lives out there go to plan. Mine didn't. But, at least it had a good run.

I plan to jump off at 10.00pm. It's 9:43. All the letters I have put in my bag behind me. This is for them to find and read. Maybe cry if they have to. But I reassured them in the letters that it wasn't their fault I did this. Half of the population at school wanted me dead anyways. What's the point. I stood up and leaned against the bridge and looked over. The view's kinda nice.

"What are you doing all alone here? Trying to collect some thoughts?"

I stayed at my same position knowing who it was.

"What the fuck do you want Suga? Can't you just leave me alone"

"No. Not when you stole Jihyo away from me. You took her love away from me"

"You fucking cheated on her! It didn't matter if she loved you or not"

"SHUT UP! You don't know what you're talking about"

"I'm pretty sure I fucking do" I turned around to face him but was greeted with a surprising sight. He had a gun. To my head. Great. It was gonna be suicide. Now a murder.

"Get off me"

"You wanted to die right? Let me help you. Isn't that why you're here?"

"L-let me do it myself"

"NO. That beats the whole fucking purpose. No one is here to save you. We're all alone. You're going to die"

He removed the safety trigger. And aimed harder on my head.

Jihyo's POV

We all arrived at the park at the same time. We followed Irene to where the bridge should be. And to no surprise, we saw Suga's car. We broke open the chain of the gate to the bridge. Not long later, we heard yelling. It was Suga's voice.


Then we heard yelling back. It was Yuna's voice.


We all walked nearer to the bridge and we all gasped. Suga had a gun and it was pointed to Yuna.

"Hmm.. But I got her back so who's winning?"

"Shut the fuck up. You don't love her. I did. Actually, I still do. You only want her for her popularity and pleasure you psycho"

My heart skipped a beat. Yuna never stopped loving me. I was a dumb fool to fall for Suga's tricks. It was my fault I didn't listen to Yuna's side of the story. She was gonna die tonight, because of my ignorance. But we are here to stop it. And we will.

But then Suga punched Yuna.

"Shut up bitch. I'm not the psycho who wanted to kill herself tonight.. Just because of some stupid joke of a picture"

"Then kill me. Do it."

Before that happened I jumped out.


Suga turned around.


"Yoongi please stop what you're doing to Yuna.. You're hurting me as well.."

The rest of my members and Irene came out of hiding as well.

"But Jihyo, she took you away from m-"

"For fuck sakes Yoongi! She didn't take me AWAY.. I chose to be with her because she was a better person then you.. If you really love me, you would want my happiness.. And you're not doing that when you're going to kill the person I love most"

Yuna looked at me with tears in her eyes. I had tears in mine as well.

"J-jihyo unnie"

I smiled at that.

"I told you to stop calling me unnie right? It makes me feel o-ld"

She chuckled.

"I remember.."

Suga then dropped his hand and turned to face all of us. He kneeled down.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. I'm sorry for doing all this, for beating up Yuna and for the picture.. My greed and selfishness had taken over me"

I immediately ran to Yuna and hugged her. Our position was so that my back was facing Suga who was kneeling down apologising. But he started speaking again.

"But I am not sorry for one thing... If killing Yuna makes Jihyo hurt.. I'll do the opposite. Make Yuna hurt more.."

Yuna's POV

"But I am not sorry for one thing... If killing Yuna makes Jihyo hurt.. I'll do the opposite. Make Yuna hurt more.."

When Yoongi had said that, he turned around and pointed the gun at Jihyo who was hugging me. Everything had gone in slow motion. He was going to kill Jihyo. I couldn't have that.

I gripped Jihyo's waist and whispered.


And pushed her off me, to the side. I heard the gun go off. The last thing I saw was the members screaming then everything went black.

Narrator's POV

A gunshot rang around the park. Everyone had screamed. They looked around to see what happened. Yuna was on the ground. Blood was flowing out from her chest.

Jihyo who was crying non stop, immediately ran towards Yuna and took off her jacket to stop the bleeding. Jeongyeon called 911. The rest of the members had gathered round for support.

"Y-you fucking BASTARD. YOU SHOT YUNA"

"I d-didn't mean too.."

"You're going to fucking jail for everything. All of this"

Suga just kneeled down and was crying. The ambulance had finally arrived. They placed Yuna on a stretcher and then in the ambulance. Jihyo couldn't go in due to the severe procedures they had to do. She could only meet them at the hospital. Not long later, the police had also arrived and took Suga in. The rest of the members who were also crying, got back in their cars and followed the ambulance. The only thing they could hope for, was for Yuna to be alive.

Jihyo prays she will be alive. So that she could again, confess her love to her. The one who saved her life.

Love Obstacles (Y/n x Twice x Jihyo) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now