IN MY HEAD 2/2 - Cake

Start from the beginning

Luke sighed and let his head fall back against the couch cushions.

"I am not obsessing about Calums break up," he said small.

"Bro..," Ashton poked Luke's tight,"it's all you've been talking about today."

Luke didn't reply. What was he supposed to say? Ashton was right, it's all he could think about ever since Calum had broken the news to him. So instead of answering, he studied the ceiling.

"It's okay though, mate. I think I figured out why you won't shut up about it."

"Oh yeah?," Luke raised an eyebrow and lifted his head up to look at Ashton.

"Yeah man," he said calmly,"You either have feelings for her, or him."

Luke froze, then went into full panic mode. "I- No! I don't! I don't have feelings for either of them! I.. I, no?," Luke knew that he was not fooling Ashton.

"Okay, so you HAVE feelings for her," Ashton grinned.

"Ew, no. I don't," Luke said and scrunched up his face in disgust only to realize what he had done a split second later. He buried his face in his hands, knowing that he had dug himself a hole he couldn't get out of any more.

"Okay, good. That's what I thought..," Ashton smiled small, "so Calum it is."

"No...," Luke mumbled very quiet.

Ashton rubbed Luke's leg and offered him a soft smile.

"It's okay Lukey. I love you all the same, you know that right?"

"Yeah I know," Luke said, his voice thick with tears,"I just think that I don't want it to be true and admitting it makes it feels so real.."

"Right, because bottling up feelings and pretending they're not there works so well..," Ashton mumbled.

"Fuck you," Luke mumbled from where he had his face still covered by his hands.

"Hey," Ashton said softer and reached out his hands to grab Luke by the front of his hoodie. He pulled him up into a more or less sitting position and wrapped both his strong arms around the tall lanky blonde who was now half sitting in his lap. "Lukey, I love you like a little brother, okay? This is okay, to feel this way is okay. Don't get so worked up on it, it's gonna be alright if you just give it time."

"No," Luke breathed against Ashtons shoulder, "No it's not okay. It's not." Luke wasn't crying, Ashton knew that. Luke was a fragile soul but he hated nothing more than crying in front of other people and Ashton had only seen him cry once in his life.

"It is."

"No, It is not!," Luke raised his voice in frustration and looked up at Ashton.

"Okay, then why not?"

"Because.. I can't tell you."

"Tell me what??," Ashton frowned.

Luke pressed his lips to a thin line.

"You know you've already said too much, right? Might as well spill everything now," Ashton smiled small. He was rubbing small soothing circles on Luke's arm with his thumb.

Luke took a deep breath, then closed his eyes. "I keep having these dreams where I am dating Calum. And... and it feels so real, it is freaking me out. And.. and they get more and more explicit, too."

"Oh...," Ashton said, his hazel eyes blown open wide.

"See, you're freaked out," Luke mumbled and looked away, "I know it's creepy and weird."

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