Part 2: A New Friend

Start from the beginning

Ochako rinsed out her coffee cup.

"I'm going upstairs to change clothes. Please be ready to go to school once I come back down."
She instructed Eri.

"Okay, momma."

Eri saluted to her mother's order before whispering to her father.

"Papa, momma's a bit cranky this morning isn't she?" She whispered, hoping her mother wouldn't hear.

Izuku nodded.

"Yeah, it's not often she's like this. Sometimes she just needs coffee and you can't talk to her until afterwards or she'll be mommyzilla."

He chuckled as Eri giggled in agreement.


Ochako grabbed a grey t-shirt and a pair of jeans and laid out her outfit on the bed. She made her way into the bathroom to brush her teeth, style her hair, and do her makeup. Her eyes widened as she saw her reflection. Purple circles were prominently showing under her eyes, her hair was sticking up in multiple places, and drool stained her cheek.

She began to laugh at how ridiculous she looked and picked up a hairbrush to tame her wild locks. She applied her usual light, natural makeup and brushed her teeth.

"Oh, Ochako, Ochako, Ochako. What has happened to you?"

She asked herself as she chuckled some more.

She changed out of her pink robe into the outfit she had previously laid out.

"Huh? That's strange."

She thought to herself as she struggled to zip her jeans.

"These weren't this tight not that long ago."

She sighed in frustration.

"Great. I must have gained weight from being so stressed with this new job."

She quickly changed into a bigger pair of jeans and returned to the kitchen to take her daughter to school.


Eri worked hard to pay attention and take notes in all her classes. Once lunch time rolled around, she was grateful to have a brain break. She once again sat alone in a corner of the cafeteria with her Deku lunchbox and favorite foods.

As she began to take her first bite, she heard someone speaking to her.

"H-hey." They said.

She looked up to see a girl with green hair that was pulled into pigtails.

"Oh. Hello!" Eri said politely.

"Uh-um. Do you m-mind if I sit with you?"

The girl asked shyly. Eri smiled warmly at the timid girl.

"Of course not." She said as she scooted over to make more room.

"I'm Eri Midoriya. It's nice to meet you."

She extended her hand out to the girl.

"What's your name?"

"S-Satsuki. Satsuki Asui."

The girl replied quietly while looking down in her lap.

"Asui? Like Aunt Tsu?" Eri inquired.

The girl's face lit up and she was able to look at Eri in the eyes.

"Aunt Tsu? Could you mean Tsuyu Asui?" Satsuki asked.

"Yes! I haven't seen her in several months, but she's good friends with my momma and papa."

Eri replied as she took a bite of her lunch.

"She's my sister!" Satsuki said excitedly.

"What did you say your last name was again?"


Satsuki pondered on that name for a moment. She knew it sounded familiar.

"Wait.. Are you the pro heroes' Deku and Uravity's daughter?"

"Yep! In the flesh."

Satsuki gleamed. It was almost as if the shy girl she had been just minutes ago had melted away.

"No way! They're really good friends with my sister. They're so cool. I see them on tv all the time."

Eri began to blush slightly.

"Y-yeah. They're usually on then news at least every other week." She said shyly. Although she had been around Izuku and Ochako for 5 years, their fame from progressing to be pro heroes to their actual careers proceeded to continuously grow.

The lunch bell rang, signaling it was time to head back to class.

"Oh. Would you like to share this mochi with me, Satsuki? My papa and I made it last night since it's me and my momma's favorite dessert, but I want you to have some."

Eri smiled as she tore the mochi in half.
Satsuki's eyes began to twinkle as she looked at the delicious mochi.

"Really? Thanks!" She smiled as she accepted the small gift.

"I'll see you later, Satsuki!"

Eri waved goodbye to her new friend. She smiled as she made her way to her history class.

"A new friend." She thought to herself.


Eri couldn't wait to get home to tell her parents about her new friend. It made her elated to think about it. Ochako pulled up by the school to pick her up.

"Hey, sweetheart. How was school?" She asked.

"It was amazing, momma! I made a new friend." Eri blushed.

"That's wonderful! I can't wait to hear all about it." Ochako smiled as she began to drive home.

Once the two had arrived home, Ochako began to prepare dinner. Eri went to her room to change into comfortable clothes and rejoined her mother in the kitchen.


"Yes, Eri?"

"Can you tell me the story of when you and papa first took care of me at U.A.?"

Ochako paused from mixing the dumpling filling she was preparing.

"Of course. Let me finish mixing this filling and I'll tell you all about it."

• • • • •

Author's Note: I know this picture is Tsuyu, but let's pretend it's her younger sister at 11 years old

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