Chapter 9- Suspicion

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                Chapter 9- Suspicion

                Date: Saturday, May 7, 1966

                Time: 7:55PM

                MICHAEL'S POV

I stared intenly at the TV screen, trying to fully get what was going on. I tried to focus on Jackie Wilson's steps and turns. I studied the movement of his hands, the way he gripped the microphone, and when he twisted. I tried imagining being in his place, trying to turn my feet at the right time and bop across the stage...

Suddenly, I sprang up and tried imitating his moves. I grunted when he did, I turned when he turned, I basically copied him. Here and there, I would come up with my own moves to make the dance less 'Jackie' and more 'Michael'. 

When his solo part was over, I took a bow at the TV screen and imitated Elvis. "Thank you, thank you very much," I replied, feigning his signature 'Elvis Lip'. I felt like I was on top of the world.

I turned around to see if any of my family was there. Only Kattie- pardon me, Mommy- and Jermaine were there, but they seemed to be focused on something else.

Naturally, I was intrigued and wanted to find out what they were dealing with. On one leg, I hopped over to them and asked, "Whatcha doing, fellas?"

Jermaine turned around. When he saw that I was behind him, he snatched the piece of paper that Mommy was holding and sat on it. "Nothing," he replied semi-casually. He peered over his shoulder when he heard Rebbie's footsteps.

"What was that piece of paper about?" I questioned. I rested my other leg down and stood on both.

Mommy shrugged. "I'm not sure, Michael. Jermaine said it was some sort of a log, you know? He was taking notes or something and wanted me to-"

Jermaine shot Mommy a dirty look. Of course, he resulted in getting slapped across the face for that. "Don't you do that to me, boy," she scolded.

Jermaine shook his head, now dazed, and turned back to me. "It... It's nothing, I suppose. Now, Mom," he said, turning back to her, "What I was saying..."

I blocked his voice out. Instead, I tried finding something else for me to do. My eyes travelled across the room, ready for new entertainment. I meandered into the corners and crevasses of the living room, snooping into Joseph's things, and organizing the book stack- all to find something to do.

When I turned around, the first thing tht caught my sight was my bedroom. All of a sudden, it was difficult to keep my eyelids up. I knew what was happening, even though I didn't want to admit it... A wizard must have cast a spell on me or something.

I didn't get it. I was really fine before, and I never had these sleep spells like I do now. It was as if I was being controlled, like a marionette. There was nothing I could do about it.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a flicker. I abruptly turned my head to see what it was. The nightlight in Kayla's room had gone out. That had meant that she went to bed. Well, either Kayla or her Grandma, who was still living with her family. Of course, Charles couldn't reach the switch, so I didn't bother even thinking of him.

"Michael?" I heard Mommy's concerned voice. I turned my head to give her acknowledgment. I nodded, as if to ask her what she was going to ask.

"Your eyes... what happened? You look like you've been bruised. Are you tired, baby?" She stood up and tried tending to me.

I nodded slightly. "Yeah, I... sort of am, I guess. Is it okay if I go to bed?"

She and Jermaine exchanged glances before she continued. "Well......... okay. But please tell me if you aren't feeling well. You seem to have the strangest sleep schedules, you know?"

"And Kayla, too!" Jermaine added. Mommy turned back and gave him the evil eye before turning back to me.

Of course, I didn't know what she was talking about, but I nodded. I just wanted to get to bed, that's all. I didn't even want candy or crackers or any donuts. I only wanted the bed.

"G'night," I replied, feeling even more sluggish. I trudged out of the room and attempted getting to my room. After a few steps, I swayed. Gosh, I thought slowly, I'm not feeling that great!

                KATHERINE'S POV

                Time: 7:59PM

"Joseph," I called weakly. "There's something I think we should talk about... you know, with Michael."

"And Kayla," Jermaine whispered under his breath. "And Kayla..."

Joseph came staggering into the living room. "What is it, Kate?" he questioned, sitting in his recliner.

"Well," I hesitated. Would Joe believe me? All of this sounded so... far-fetched. But I knew that something was wrong with Michael! What it was, I didn't know, but I was concerned about him. My lively, energetic Michael... seen as lethargic?

"Well... Have you noticed anything... strange, per se, about Michael? You know, as far as, I don't know, sleeping patterns?" My eyes widened with every word.

Joseph considered my question for a few seconds. "Oh, you mean that joke that Michael and Kayla were doing? Are they still continuing with the sleepiness and whatnot?"

I nodded vigorously. "Joseph... I'm pretty sure that this isn't a joke. You know that Kayla can't keep with a prank very long, and Michael much less."

Joseph narrowed his eyes. "I'm sure that it's a joke. It has to be, because he would never get tired! MIchael is too high-strung for that!"

Knowing that I was defeated for now, I sat back in the loveseat. "Just wait...," I muttered under my breath. "You'll see... I'm not crazy."

"What was that?" Joseph asked, cocking his head. "I didn't hear you."

I shook my head. "Nothing..."

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