Chapter 5- Grandma Reynolds

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                Chapter 5- Grandma Reynolds

                Date: Saturday, February 18, 1967

                Time: 8:52PM

                KAYLA'S POV

Throwing three dollars into the pockets of my only slacks, I thanked Joseph. He never responded, however. He simply looked into another direction and walked off.

I supposed that he had a way of displaying love, and affection was not his way. He was definitely not the most affectionate guy I've ever seen. Nor did he really thank anyone... and if you made him mad, any type of friendship that may have been forming was gone. He was just rigid, I guessed. 

I wondered about the ways he really could love someone. I mean, something had to happen, otherwise Kattie would have never put up with him. I mean, Kattie may be soft and giving, but she had a stern side to her, as well. 

Opposites attract, I guess, I thought as I turned from Joseph's backside. I knew it was time to head home, but I sort of did not want to. I knew that once I was there, I would have to care for Charles, and  Elijah would probably ask me to make him some coffee or fetch him a Budweiser.

 I wrinkled my nose at the thought of a Budweiser. Ugh, nasty... 

I sauntered away from the lively house of the Jacksons, wishing that I could just stick around for another five minutes. Five minutes is all I wanted! Of course, I supposed that I was asking for too much.

All of a sudden, I heard a clatter come from my house. My eyes widened to the size of saucers before I began bolting toward the house. I hoped to God and everything Holy that Charles hadn't knocked anything over.

He was getting bad about breaking things. He had taken his first steps about a month ago, and since then, he has been on the loose, taking anything he can apart, or smashing it to see what's inside. Once in a while, if he were playing with simple objects, he could put them back together. 

He and Tito may be really good with each other later on...

I dashed inside, not bothering to even close the door. I knew that I had to find the mess quick and at leasst act as though I had been diligently working on it. I had the feeling thatElijah would be upset at me if I hadn't.

When I entered the house, a strange scent had taken over my nose. It was not unpleasant by any means, but it certainly was different. It reminded me of the smell of Elijah's leather belts, or Jermaine's deodorant. It was... odd.

I heard a voice come from the living room. "I think I'll just go cleann this up, dear."

I furrowed my brows. This was not a voice that I was familiar with. It was female, and deep, all at once. She almost sounded like Gladys Knight, but... not quite. A semi-hearty chuckle filled the room before I noticed a slightly husky woman with the physique of Ms. Simms exit the living room.

Who is she? What is she doing in our house? I thought for all of us Wells. I shuffled nervously in the same spot, unsure of what to say to her. Should I introduce myself? Should I hide in the shadows?

"Ahem," I said very, very softly, hoping that she would hear it. Of course, she didn't and continued her promenade to the bedrooms- mine, that is.

I quickly scrambled to her and tapped her on the back. "Excuse me," I squeaked, "who are you?"

I covered my mouth immediately. I had no intentions of sounding rude, but I was sort of scared. I shook my head as she turned around, wanting to apologize. But... I couldn't. I could not choke any words out, for my mouth had suddenly gone dry.

However, the woman didn't chastise me. Instead, she gave me a warm smile and placed her hand on my shoulder firmly. "You must be Kayla," she said sweetly, flashing a smile at me.

I nodded slowly. "Yes..."

Her grin turned cheeky, with color rushing to her colored cheeks. "It's Grandma Reynolds... Hi." She smiled so widely that dimples had shown.

They actually were in the same spot where I had my dimples... But this couldn't be right. I didn't look like her. I mean, we appeared to be quite the opposite of each other. How was I going to say this to her...?

"Wait- what, I mean... We- I don't want to... My Dad, Elijah, well... He isn't my real Dad, but he said that I had no interracial ancestry. He said that-"

"What, does he have geneaology records?" She questioned.

Of course, I quickly shook my head. So, this meant that I was... Oh gosh, I was going to ask for a long talk with Elijah tomorrow. 

"I'm going to give Elijah a piece of my mind!" I heard seconds later. Grandma Reynolds, as she called herself, stormed out of the room. It wasn't even five seconds before I could hear the beginning of what would be a long and boring debate.

"Elijah! I told you that I-"

I immediately turned away. I wasn't going to stay up to hear some people get into a fight. I pranced off into my bedroom where I threw on my PJ's. I flopped myself onto the bed as swifty as possible and turned out the light... Knocking over the lamp in the process.

Ah... it could wait until morning, I thought quickly, shutting my eyes as tightly as they could.

Oh boy, I hated fighting.

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