Chapter 1- Get Off His Back, Boys

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                Chapter 1- Get Off His Back, Boys

                Date: Saturday, January 7, 1967

                Time: 8:21PM

                JOSEPH'S POV

I settled myself on the loveseat, finally feeling content. After popping open a Budweiser, I sighed and stared at the TV. There was some sort of segment talking about the craze of the new movie, The Sand Pebbles. It wasn't really like I cared...

I resituated myself on the bed, trying to think of the next place for the brothers to perform. I was trying to get them somewhere big, like Chicago. But, seeing how the city was, that could take a while. I supposed that we could try going farther into Gary, Indiana.

I tried reminding myself of the big goal. Motown is my goal. Get the boys to Motown. My boys had to be in Motown. It was not like I wanted them to be extremelly famous or anything of the sort, but I did NOT want them working at that dreadful Steel factory. I would never wish such misfortune upon anybody.

That was the only reason why I had to be so harsh with them. After all, little children are harder to manage than grown adults. If they were going to become really famous, then make them big while they're young and cute. That could get all of the attention. And when attention comes, money is sure to follow. 

God knows how deprived we are of money...

But who was I to say much of anything? While I had my boys, the Wells had Kayla. After Elijah was laid off, Kayla was the only financial outlet. Every night, she brings in about one and a half dollars... Definitely not enough for three mouths to feed. But, then again, I had eleven mouths to feed...

The argument was definitely debatable.

"So, boys," I said, sipping out of my can, "What do you think of our new musical arrangement? Any improvements you know that may be good for the performances?"

Marlon shrugged, not directly looking at me. "I dunno, Dad- I mean, Joseph... Sorry."

"You aren't sorry; that did not sound sorry, and there's no need to lie," I said, not looking at him.

There were mumbles from the three oldest brothers, but no ideas sprang to life.

I could hear heavy footsteps running into the living room. When I turned to see who was making the noise, I caught a glimpse of Randy. He dashed towards me, a huge grin on his face. "Daddy, Daddy!" He shouted, trying to get to me. "Can I join the band?"

I shook my head, half-focusing on the TV. "No, Randy. What would you do?"

"I can play the drums!" He protested. "Don't you wanna see me?"

I never answered his question, as my brain did not register it. I was too focused trying to think of another place for the boys. Surely, I could find something! 

Then again, Gary was only a small steel town. It was not like there were a ton of places to perform at, and with us being banned from Mister Lucky's, finding a decent place was difficult. Honestly, before long, the only places left in Gary would be strip bars...

But I could never do that to my boys. At least, I was pretty sure that we would have our big break by then.

Our big break...

I heard an almost-exaggerated yawn come from across the living room. I turned to see Michael streching his arms. There were noticeable bags forming underneath his eyes. Whoa...

He looked like someone on caffeine.

After rubbing his eyes and yawning once more, Michael spoke aloud. "I think..." his eyelids struggled keeping open. "I think... I'm going to bed. Love ya all..." He got up and stumbled into his bedroom.

I'll be honest, I was surprised by Michael's responsible actions. He was going to bed at 8PM? Sometimes I had to give credit to him. He could really be a good kid when he wanted to be one. It's just his smart mouth that gets him into trouble.

"Psst... Hey, Joseph!" Jermaine hissed under his breath. I turned my attention to him, a perplexed expression on my face. "What is it?"

Jermaine's expression was very serious. "Joseph! Did you notice what Michael was doing? He was tired at 8 o'clock! This, this is not normal."

I shrugged, "Maybe he is finally maturing." However, my mind disagreed. Ha, maturing?! Michael?! Watch, he'll argue with me tomorrow, and he'll get his butt whipped. It'll be just like every day...

Jackie began whispering. "Yes, but did you see Kayla today? Her lights are out, too!"

I narrowed my eyes at the two boys. "And how do you know this?"

Tito joined the group. "Because they have been doing this for the longest time! Don't you see, Joseph? Something is up with the two of them. They-"

I put one hand up. "Wait, are you trying to tell me that they go to bed at the same time for some reason?"

The three boys nodded in unison.

"Well, is there any reason that you know of?" I put my can down.

Before any of the boys could answer, La Toya entered the room. "Oh, are you guys talking about that ridiculous thing Mom mentioned? The thing with Michael and Kayla?! Pfft..." she chuckled a little. "I love your stories, they're so entertaining!"

Jermaine shot La Toya a dirty look. "It's true! You just don't know! And tonight is proof!"

"Stop," I scolded. I didn't want anyone starting a fight, not at this time of night. It was too late for this crap. And, quite frankly, I was too tired to put up with any of it.

Before anyone could say any more, I got up with my can and dumped it out. I threw it awayin the sink and headed for my bedroom. "G'night," I mumbled, leaving the kids behind.

Behind the boys' backs, I rolled my eyes. Were they trying to look for attention? I understood that they might be concerned for Michael, but this was crazy! And why would they drag Kayla into the mess? I entered my bedroom and closed the door.

Goodness, I needed a nap...

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