Chapter 4- It Talks

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                Chapter 4- It Talks

                Date: Tuesday, February 7, 1967

                Time: ???

                KAYLA'S POV

I sat, cross-legged in a blank, yellowed room that reminded me of papyrus paper. Drumming my fingers,I irritably whispered, "Michael better make it quicker... My butt hurts..."

I wrinkled my nose as I started daydreaming about nothing and everything in particular. I figured that maybe if I distracted my mind, the time would pass much quicker. After all, that's exactly how it works in Earth.

Unfortunately, the same rules do not apply to Heaven. What felt like an actual Epoch finally passed, and I heard a faint knocking at the door. Excited, I sprang up from my position and dashed to the door. I opened it up exuberantly to find... a tumbleweed.

My eyes widened as each second passed. Impatience was really getting to me. I knew that I was about to blow up any second now... it had just been too much for me. I was ready to explode and completely disappear, so that I wouldn't get bored.

Grumbling, I turned around to sit back in my spot- and was greeted by a muddy-faced Michael. He roared some illiterate phrase at me before I fell to my butt and commenced a fit of maniacal screaming.

"Hey, hey!" he exclaimed, wiping off remnants of his makeshift mask. "It was a little, itty-bitty joke!" He giggled innocently.

After a few heaving breaths, I sat up. "M-Michael," I stuttered, "If you ev-ver do that again, I swear..."

"By the moon and the stars in the sky...!" he quoted gleefully. "I'll be there!"

Even though I attempted maintaining my angry expression, I couldn't help but to giggle. It was kind of, sort of, really funny seeing him dance and sing to a song like that. It did not seem to be his style, yet he pulled it off well while acting like a goofball. 

The acted like the little goofball he is when he's eight... I grinned at the thought.

"Alright," I finally replied, standing up. "Shall we get going?" I shot a quick smile at him.

He looped one long arm around me and started chatting away. "I'm awfully sorry about being so late. They had a series of rubik's cubes that it wanted me to complete."

I scoffed. "It's better than what I had! Try waiting for someone, for two hours! I sat in the corner of the room for nearly two hours!" I crossed my arms childishly.

Before Michael could even utter a mere syllable, I spotted a dot out of the corner of my eye. When I turned to look, I saw it materializing before us. He eyed me, mouthing the words, rubik's cubes. 

I shook my head while rolling my eyes. I guessed that It knew Michael's weak spot. There was no way he could win the system...

It flew over to us, its body making odd mechanical noises. It was almost as if It was having a malfunction. He rattled and chattered and clattered against the wall... and then began acting as he normally would.

It spoke in its monotonous tone of voice once again. "Something-----," he malfunctioned a littl. "Something is going on. Something is-----." He clutched both of our hands and ushered us to the side. There, he entended some green translucent hands and hovered over our bodies. 

For the first couple seconds, nothing could be heard from It. It was as if It were analyzing something, or discovering new information. And then... it made this huge raucous that had both Michael and I fidgeting nervously.

It flew over to our sides. It made an odd noise before continuing whatever he was doing. After a moment, he turned to the two of us and actually began to talk... in a normal voice.

"Kayla... You have succeeded Part 1 of your testing," It spoke oddly.

By the goofy look on Kayla's face, I knew she was confused. After a moment of thinking, she twitched her head and asked, "Part 1? What do you mean by that?"

"Part 1 of your journey consisted of the easy years," It said. "Now, things will start picking up and taking off."

I raised one eyebrow, just as Kayla did. "What do you mean by that? Do you mean... fame?"


I groaned lightly. "This is-"

"Psst, Michael!" Kayla half-shouted. "I can't see your eyes!

I chuckled lightly. My aviators are bothering her again. I simply smirked at her, thinking of all the mean comebacks she had stored up. I pushed the aviators farther up the bridge of my nose, just to antagonize her.

Seriously, she was just like Karen. Just like her!

"Michael," It stated suddenly, making me jump. "Part 1 is also finished for you. For the both of you------ Part 2 commences on February 8, 1967." It proceeded to go into an explanation of our next chapter of life. "Part 2 marks Michael's rise to fame. More contest, talent shows, practices, and auditions are involved. You will be putting even more effort into your work, and it will pay off. You will be accumulating more money for each show, usually $40 to $200 a night. And, of course, you will--------."

It stopped for a while, which gave me time to think about what he just told Kayla and I. Of course, we both knew what the following years were about. Well, except for anything after 2008. That information was long gone for the both of us. However, what was he going to say after our money issue?

I supposed that I would never know.

"----- And," It carried on, "one other thing to look out for are your bonds. As you two commence Part 2, your spiritual bonds strengthen tremendously. When you two leave each other for an extended period of time, the allergies grow into minor colds. Sometimes, these minor colds can grow into respiratory infections. Be careful."

"Also, your need for extra sleep may also increase quite a bit in the following months. Say goodbye to those 8:20PM nights, for you may be going to bed at 8PM, or even earlier. Are there any issues you two have, other than what I addressed?"

Kayla spoke up. "I have rare occasions when I black out. Also, whenever we get checked, it seems as though I bite my nails in my sleep." She examined one of her pinky nails.

It made a rattling noise. "Side effect," It simply stated. "Sometimes, your habits of biting your nails grow stronger, so take precaution. As for blackouts... those should go away soon." He said nothing more.

As silence filled the room, I couldn't help but to wonder eactly why we had such bonds I mean, I knew that other bonds could have been created, like maniacal voices or chills. But.. how come? How come Kayla and I got some sometimes unmanageable symptoms? It did not seem quite fair.

Then again, my life was already a little better than it was in my first life. I chose not to complain. I must always be grateful for the things I have.

Before It spoke again, I tried to peer over at Kayla. This did not really matter, but when she first came to me, her hair was nearly butt length. It seemed a lot shorter now, like only halfway down her back.

However, that didn't really matter. I was just pointing it out.

When I looked back, I realized that It had disappeared from sight. It was gone, away somewhere else... probably assisting another couple or trio of people. attempting to make their lives better. From what I understand, Plato had tried making his life better by having a kid Kayla's age help him.

"Well," I heard Kayla ring, "Whaddaya say that we go and try out these arcade games at the carnival? They really do look like a lot of fun. I must say, we should be-"

Bloop. Kayla was gone, just like that. There was no fading, no blackouts, no nothing. She just disappeared like that.

And, when I looked up, all I saw was-


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