Chapter 17- One Step At A Time

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                Chapter 17- One Step At A Time

                Date: Monday, August 14, 1967

                Time: 6:36PM

                MICHAEL'S POV

"Are we ready for the competition?" Looks of anticipation were on everyone's faces; some forced, others not. We were, however, all anxious. So anxious, in fact, that Jackie and Tito started sweating. Honestly, if it wasn't for the fact that Mommy had sewn another shirt, Jackie would have had to rewash his. 

I had no idea how big this contest was. At first, I only imagined a few hundred people attending Apollo. But by the looks of it, there had to be a few thousand people here. Joseph was definitely right when he said that this competition was big. The toughest of the tough, he said, I thought.

Suddenly, I realized just how hard this contest may be. I mean, we could even lose. If we got second place, though, Joe would probably get agitated, especially after driving so many hundred miles. And, of course, we aren't local talent. We're at a disadvantage. It could be so simple for us to lose.

We had to give all that we had tonight, more than we had ever given before. That was probably the only way we would win.

However, we also had our advantages. I'd bet that barely any of these kids had dealt with microphones. We have our own microphones at home, because Joseph saved up enough cash to buy a few. We knew how the microphones worked and how to sing into them correctly. The others may shy away or try singing without any amplification system. But, of course, if they did that, they would be disqualified.

Therefore, we also had advantages. In this situation, I was able to see both sides of the argument.

So, we were met with the big question once again: "Are we ready for the competition?"

I merely shrugged, knowing that he wasn't really looking my way. I wasn't sure whether or not I was ready. I was definitely up for singing and dancing, but what if we lost? I would not look forward to the disappointment on Joseph's face.

I shot an uneasy glance to Kayla. She was wearing the same expression as Jermaine and I, as well. I had to face it: we really had to put our all in tonight, or else we would make a fool of ourselves. And, of course, Joseph had it in his head that Jacksons cannot lose.  Jacksons win. Jacksons win. Jacksons win.

"Jacksons win," I whispered, not letting my lips move. "Jacksons... win. Jacksons win, they win. We're Jacksons and we win. We win because we are the Jackson Five." The Jackson Five can and will win. 

"Yes, we will," Kayla whispered to me. I jumped, nearly startled to death. I attempted recovering quickly, to make it seem as though I wasn't all that scared, but slipped on the slick, polished floor and fell on my butt in the process.

"Michael!" Tito scolded, "Get your butt up and off the floor! Gosh, we're ready in about five minutes. Gotta get ready. Are you ready for some scales?"

Kayla and I exchanged glances as I stood up and dusted imaginary dirt off of my clean slacks. "Um, sure thing," I replied half-heartedly, scanning the room for nothing in particular. I shot a quick look back at Kayla as I made my way to Joseph. She was close behind, snickering under her breath.

Girls, they're always like that. They giggle like that all the time. I rolled my eyes, grinning wildly. Girls... I honestly didn't know what to think of them. I loved my Mommy and sisters, and Kayla was my best friend, but I had no idea what they were about, or why they acted the way they always do. They were nice, I suppose, was all that echoed through my mind.

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