"Hey! Watch where you're going!" An unfamiliar voice snapped at her. Only then Juliette realised that she had bumped into a Slytherin, finally noticing the older student.

"Sorry..." She murmured while rubbing her shoulder, which took the hit when they collided.

The older student that she's definitely seen before but didn't know the name of, rolled his eyes and continued on his way without saying anything.

Juliette shook her head and took a deep breath before doing the same. What was happening to her? She had to get it together. Sulking over everything wasn't going to help her situation.

When she finally reached the gloomy classroom, she realised that almost everyone has taken their seats, waiting for Snape to dramatically barge into the room.

Juliette hesitantly took a step in, feeling surprised by her lateness since she was always careful to come in earlier than the others. She liked being able to choose where to sit freely with so many options in her hand.

But now, only a few seats were available.

Her eyes scanned the room and focused on the desk she shared with Draco throughout the year. He was there, sitting at the table by himself. Juliette could see the bright colour of his hair. His hand was resting in his left palm, while his other hand was occupied with turning the pages of the 4th year Potions book with lazy movements.

Juliette almost smiled at the empty seat next to him, waiting for her arrival.

She tightened her grip on the strap of her bag and took a step forward. But then...

"Miss Avery." The voice Juliette's been dreading to hear sounded from behind her, stopping her movements immediately.

She slowly turned around and the other students' attention turned to them.

"Yes?" Juliette replied timidly, looking up at Snape's expressionless face. Her nails were threatening the leather strap of her bag to tear apart so they could dig right into her palms.

"You're late." Snape stated in a monotone as his eyes scanned the classroom, noticing that his students were watching them. Chatters slowly dying down as they realised that the Potions Master's presence.

Juliette looked at her professor with confusion. She wasn't late. Well, she wasn't late late. There were still a few absent students and she arrived before Snape anyway.

"But," She nervously looked around. "I arrived before you did. So technically, I'm not–"

"Detention after class." Snape interrupted her with a careless glance and brushed past her to walk towards his desk.

"What?" Juliette exclaimed, her voice full of surprise and confusion. She couldn't possibly be getting her second detention in a year. And in front of the whole class as well.

Snape paused before slowly turning around to face Juliette once again.

"I apologise, was that unclear?" He asked mockingly. "I said, detention."

"But–" She tried to protest, only to get interrupted once again.

"One more word and you will lose points." Snape threatened and walked towards his desk without another glance.

Juliette stayed there for a short moment with her mouth parted as if she had a lot to say. Words didn't make their way past her tongue though, and she didn't have any choice but to accept her faith and walk towards her seat with a flounce.

"Take out your books." Snape ordered as Juliette took her seat next to Draco. "We will keep learning about poison antidotes. Although you will not be practicing it this year, you will be covering it in sixth year. I suggest you listen carefully."

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