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── In this chapter, there will be mentions of gore so if you are easily triggered it may be best to skip the chapter.

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In a dimly lit room, there Namjoon stayed, mouth covered with duct tape, hands tied together, both legs attached to the legs of the crooked chair he was sat at, unconscious.

"Wake up Joonie!" He screamed and slapped his face with a gun, so hard that the impact left a bruise.

Namjoon then jolted up in pain and confusion, he was sweating profusely. His eyes were so shocked, the person in front him was just disgusting, how dare he!

Tears started to fall from the sides of his cheeks.

"What's with the sad face Joonie? Why is our leader-nim so sad?" He mocked.

Namjoon kept mumbling words.

"Hmm? What's that? Do you have something to say?" He then harshly ripped off the duct tape making Namjoon hiss, which he laughed at.

"Why are you doing this?!"

"Why am I doing this? Why don't you ask yourselves."

"We've treated you so kind, fair, filled with love-"

"That's where I'm gonna have to stop you little Joonie, kind? Fair? With love? I don't think so."

"We can talk this one out."

"Too late," He said and grabbed his butterfly knife and stabbed his leader's stomach earning a groan.

"You look so beautiful when you groan, kidding! You would look like a God though when you're covered with your own blood."

"P-please sto-stop."

"Is that our leader begging?" He then grabbed a small needle and repeatedly stabbed on his arm, Namjoon couldn't do anything but scream in pain.

"Your screams are music to my ears Namjoon, we should make music in hell sometime. You think Satan would like that?"

"Fu-fuck you."

"Oh, now you're snapping back. What if I sew that bad mouth of yours so that you would learn some manners leader-nim," He then grabbed another needle with a huge eye.

He used a thin wire like a thread and inserted it to the eye, he made a knot at the end cutting the rest of it.

"Please no, p-please. Don't do this," As if he couldn't hear him. He immediately punctured a hole at the sidelines of his lips. He screamed at the unbearable pain but in doing so, the thread just cut through the side of his lips making the pain worse than it already is.

"Joonie, don't scream. Look at what happened to you. The right side of your lip line is cut in half. Now if you don't want it to be worse just keep it down," He said pressing harshly on the cut making Namjoon hiss at the sensation.

"Now let me continue," He grinned widely, more tears started to fall against his cheek, filled with blood, sweat, and tears.

Namjoon was getting tired, exhausted, pale, dead. He was losing too much blood from the stab on his stomach and was getting numb with how much pain he was getting exposed to.

A wicked smile was plastered on his lips while he was sewing his lips together.

Namjoon could scream no more.

"Ah-ah-ah we are not yet done here Joonie. One more thing, can you stay alive for that?" Namjoon was still breathing making him smile.

He grabbed a scalpel and sliced through his thighs. Namjoon tried to scream at the intolerable pain, but his newly sewed mouth wouldn't let him. As if the slice on his thigh wasn't enough, when he tried to scream, his mouth tore a bit from the wires firm placement and his human reflexes just making the whole thing worse.

"Namjoonie, can I write on you?" Not getting the answer he wanted he grabbed the scalpel and stabbed near his heart and earned a slight nod. Was it even a nod? It looked like he was just losing energy that he couldn't even make his neck stand on its own.

He giggled like a child and proceeded on carving letters on his thighs.

This was too much Namjoon couldn't take any more. Hot tears kept dropping down his screwed up face.

"Done!" He announced as if he was some minor drawing on his paper with colored crayons.

Namjoon groaned, he never expected him to turn out like this.

"Since you didn't do much harm to me I'll end you now. See you in hell leader-nim," He waved goodbye and got a sharp-looking knife

"Oh wait a minute, before I kill you, I wanna tell you why, since your mouth is sewed shut I'll answer your question. It's simple, I'm twisted, or maybe I'm not," He laughed hysterically.

"Bye leader-nim say hi to Lucifer for me," Was the last thing he said before slitting his neck like a knife slicing through butter.

Blood was spurting everywhere; his clothes, his smooth clear skin-now tinted with crimson red, and his fucked up happy smile spreading wide across his face. A smile from ear to ear.

"I bet the others will cry when they see Joonie like this. Can't wait!"

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✎ᝰ┆CH. 1ー 最後 ❜

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