rock and roll music | john ☆

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era: 1958 (pre beatles)
name: kennedy

it was a cold night in october. halloween. children lined up and down the streets, taking candy from stranger's doorsteps. at nearly seventeen, i was stuck trick or treating with my little sister and her friends. my mother forced me to take them. she told me she'd give me a pound or two. since i had no choice but to obey my mother's wishes, i brought a sack along for candy of my own. i even dressed up. although i felt like a fool, the candy was worth it.

as i trudged down the eerie sidewalks full of bounding children in costumes, i hoped i didn't bump into anyone i knew. "look! it's aunt sharon's house!" i heard a small voice from below. uncaringly, i dismissed them into the house and waited behind for a moment. i didn't feel like speaking to aunt sharon. her voice annoyed me.

"hey, little birdie!" i heard a low whistle from aside me. i looked to my left and saw a group of guys from the nearby art college coming right toward me. at the front, leading the shit-show was john. john lennon. i uncomfortably tugged my costume down as they neared closer.

"oh, you guys dressed up as a bunch of idiots? nice." i teased. i saw the familiar scowl on their faces as they finally came into view. the lights on the bushes next to us shadowed their faces, making them even more oddly terrifying.

"and you dressed up as a... a..." one kid from the back tried coming up with something clever but to no avail.

"shuddup, charles," john spat. his booming voice stunned me. i looked back at the kids who were now inside, probably eating away at some cookies or pie.

now preoccupied with those men, i felt a gust of wind blow my hair back. the group collectively eyed me up and down, almost hungrily, like a lion eyeing his prey. "well, what do you all want with me?"

"you don't want to know, doll," i heard someone say. they all broke into laughter at my feverish blushing. john—with his fancy leather jacket—stepped forward and snatched the bag out of my hands, reaching in and taking a single piece of candy. he shoved the bag back into my hands, biting down on a hershey's bar.

expecting the other guys to do the same, i put it behind me and cowered until my back hit a small bush. i almost felt like i was about to fall back until i caught my balance.

the group didn't hinder, they all just stared at me. "i heard you get all a's in class, kennedy," a boy with slicked-back platinum blonde hair spoke. he sneered at me, saying, "maybe you could tutor me sometime!" he broke into fits of laughter, causing everyone else to do the same.

i didn't reply. i didn't even look his way. john was still looking me up and down like a piece of meat. he licked his lips and smirked before i could even notice. some more flirtations went down before john shut everyone up while everyone was laughing. "alright, alright," he yelled.

"c'mon, ken, let's go back to my house!" someone jeered toward me. i rolled my eyes, feeling my cheeks darken even more.

i shuddered under john's unbreaking gaze that seemed to last forever until i finally just walked away. i felt a hand graze over mine, so i looked back. "where 'ye goin'?" john's voice was now softer, almost concerned. it was all apart of the act. he did this with countless girls; made them feel like she was his world for a day or two, then ignore her. i was sick of seeing and hearing girls around my school whine and moan about "john fucking lennon" who "fucked my brains out" and "put me against the wall until i couldn't stand anymore".

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