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     Dres and I are debating Marvel and DC comics so heatedly that when we get back into town, I don't even notice he's driven me home. "Oh, my car's at school," I say, frowning. It's already past nine and I'm ready to pass out. Forget about any of the assignments I have to get done.

     "I'll pick you up tomorrow, bring you to school," he responds, like this is a simple fix.

     "I have practice in the morning."


     "I have to be there at five-thirty." He is still looking at me like he fails to see the problem. "That's very early."

     "That's around the same time I head to the store. I'll be outside at five-twenty?"

     I pause, wanting to argue this further because it feels like I'm putting him out. "Okay, yeah. I'll see you in the morning, then."

     He's not smiling but his expression is open, warmer than I'm used to. "Get some sleep," he says.

     "Good night."

     I climb out fully, grab my bag, and wave behind me as I head inside. I drop my bag at the stairs and head for the kitchen where I'm sure to find my mother. She's at the island, drinking tea and reading. She glances up from her book when she hears me enter, greeting me with a smile. "How was your meet?"

     "It was really good. I beat my time for the 200 Butterfly. A minute and thirty-nine seconds. That's even better than some college athletes."

     "Cas," she exclaims excitedly, jumping up from her seat to hug me. "Congratulations! We should celebrate." She heads for the freezer and pulls out a pint of ice cream.

     "It's not that big of a deal mom. I still need to work on my 200 IM."

     She returns to the island with two spoons and cookie dough ice cream. I join her in eating it because I'm not going to turn down ice cream. Come on now.

     "So I've got a dilemma," I say between spoonfuls. She looks at me curiously, urging me on. "Dres said I can choose what we do Sunday, for our date. But I can't decide."

    "How about the movies?" she asks.

     "We already did that and there's nothing great playing."

     "Okay, why not go out to dinner?"

     "I thought of that. But it feels impersonal. Like he took us hiking, and I'm like hey, let's hit chipotle? That's not going to work. I wish I had a cool hobby."

     "Swimming is your cool hobby."

    "Yeah, but I can't take him swimming."

     She looks up, thinking, and then says, "Why not have him over and cook dinner together? He likes to cook and you could use the practice for when you go off to school..."

     I mull over the option. "That's actually a good idea...but I'm not going to have my date be supervised by my mom, no offense."

     She laughs, setting her spoon down on the counter. "With what you say to me, I'm well within reason to supervise."

     "Again, it's not like either of us is going to end up pregnant." She glares at me because that's never her point. I drop my head onto the counter and groan. "I told him I'd have it all planned for tomorrow. What am I going to do? I suck at this dating thing. Really. I should just be alone. Forever."

     My mom says slowly, like she's still deciding, "I could go into work for a few hours? I'm behind on some paperwork. Maybe even catch a movie."

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