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     I'm trying not to fall asleep third period when I get the bright idea to text Dres.

[CAS] 10:31 AM: I've got the next best-seller cupcake flavor

[CAS] 10:32 AMno seriously it's actually brilliant

[CAS] 10:33 AM: like I might just be the Steve Jobs of cupcake flavors

[DRES] 10:34 AM: Are you going to tell me the flavor?

[CAS] 10:35 AMspiced pumpkin cake

[DRES] 10:35 AM: No

[CAS] 10:35 AM: wait I'm not done

[CAS] 10:35 AM: spiced pumpkin cake

[CAS] 10:36 AM: cranberry walnut frosting

[DRES] 10:36 AM: How do you make a cranberry walnut frosting?

[CAS] 10:37 AM: I don't know that's your job to figure out

[CAS] 10:37 AM: honey drizzle

[DRES] 10:37 AM: What??

[CAS] 10:38 AM: I wasn't finished

[CAS] 10:38 AM: spiced pumpkin cake

[CAS] 10:38 AM: cranberry walnut frosting

[CAS] 10:38 AM: honey drizzle

[DRES] 10:39 AM: No. And you could've sent that in one message.

[CAS] 10:39 AM: it was for dramatic effect

[CAS] 10:40 AM: apple cider cinnamon cake with brown sugar rum frosting

[CAS] 10:40 AM: anotha one

[CAS] 10:40 AM: I'll take my promotion to flavor consultant now please

      Mrs. Scott glances suspiciously at me while she waits for everyone to copy the notes on the board. I shield my phone under my notebook and pretend to scratch notes into the page but I just make a doodle of a cartoon dog, instead.

[DRES] 10:41 AM: You're in school. Stop texting me.

     She starts explaining the Domino Theory and I re-focus on my phone.

[CAS] 10:42 AM: you should do a special Christmas menu

[DRES] 10:43 AM: Halloween hasn't even passed yet

[CAS] 10:44 AM: okayyyy but a good business is always preemptive

[CAS] 10:44 AM: I'll have you know this is the most productive I've been all morning

[DRES] 10:45 AM: When do you take your exam?

[CAS] 10:45 AM: oh I bombed that first period

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