Rouges part dos

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Hi this story has been edited. When I asked what should happen next so in order for it to work I've changed the story slightly. Natasha was not with the rouges after the fight she went to Tony and they made up. She is Peters god mother. Previously the avengers know of Peter but only know him as Tony son and nothing more. Thor, loki and Bruce know about Peter. 

Steve pov

Tony walked away and the last few minutes were really settling in my mind. Oh god I tried to kill Tony and he has a son who would have to grow up without a father. But why have we never heard of him before does he not trust us. 

Why would he, he said himself that he has secrets and we have our own so why shouldn't he be able to keep his. I turned my attention back to the team who were talking about the new revelation. But we don't know anything or even his name. 

Peter pov

I walked up the damn walls and went into the vent because why not. It was easier and you didn't have to climb the stairs. Reaching the library, I saw loki huddled on the windowsill reading a book with a cup of hot coco. He is probably in one of his reading moods right now. Hey loki I whispered. Don't know why but everyone talks quietly when they're in the library even thor so that is saying something or mabey it is the scary lady who chases you around the library throwing things at you. 

Anyway back to the story cause I got sidetracked that's why alot of my stories are simple cause if their too elaborate I'll get lost myself and won't be able to keep up. Enjoy. 

Hi Peter he replied how are you? The usual greeting then follow with me asking what book he was reading and him saying a new book because there was every book in the world and every type of scripture from anywhere in the world. We then discussed what was happening in the book and what we thought on the characters. I told him about going to the sanctuary tomorrow and if he could come. We talked about it. 

Feeling my stomach grumbling I told loki I was going to get some food I asked if he wanted to come but he said he would rather read and so I left him to it. 

Nat pov

I had missed my god son but due to the accords I have been busy. Shield fell so now the UN is in charge and I have been out to the places where the fights took place. It is a tedious job but it has to be done. I'm also tracking down hydra bases, which are mostly in Europe. They keep on sending me on long missions and I miss him terribly. Only a couple of days till I see my baby spider again. Tony was telling me how he wanted to learn magic and had spent time training there under strange and wrong with loki to help. He also said about how the ex avengers were pardon and had already come to the tower. I know Tony is going to have a panic attack once he talks to them. Everything was going fine majority of the original avengers were there and vision, strange, Carol and the others were helping. So this would cause a clash. 

Part tres will be out shortly I will be writing it over the weekend so you can see it soon. Peter and the rouges will meet in the next part. What should I do should Peter be okay the avengers or fight Steve and his team because of what they did. Comment and let me know. 

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