Can I talk to your manager ?

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Peter and shuri were bored. Why? Mainly due to wrecking the lab with explosion they weren't allowed in, then helping clint and Sam prank the others resulting in them all being grounded and then they had watched hours of vines and even recreated them. But that was an hour ago and now they were bored. Until shuri came up with an idea. Shopping. 

So I'll be the customer while you the shop assistant okay. Considering that he had nothing to do he agreed. Shuri continued you going to be working at Walmart okay. Sure. Anything eles. Nope

/Hello. /

Hello ma'am what can I do for you today? 

/Well I want a lightsaber. /

Sorry ma'am we don't have that in this store would you like anything else or will that be it? 

/Why don't you have lightsabers? /

Ma'am as they are not sold here you can try going to another shop though. 

/No I want it from this shop. I know you have them call your manager. Silly assistance. /

I'll see what I can do for you. 

(Peter gets out his phone dialling ned and ned doesn't pick it up.)

I'm sorry ma'am I try again. 

(he tries calling again) 

-hey what's up-

Sir a customer wants a lightsaber which we do not have in the store as our store does not sell them however she continues to argue with me and asked for. I am now handing it over to the customer. 


/Hello is this the manager? /

-yes it is what can I do for you? - 

/I want a lightsaber/

-I'm sorry ma'am but they are not sold in the shop-

/Why? /

-they cost too much money to make ma'am for a couple of customers however I do know a shop that sells them should you wish to buy them.-

/I want to talk to your manager? /

-May I ask why? - 

/No /

-okay madam, my manager has been here with me and has heard your concerns hope you have a nice day. - 

# hello ma'am what can I do for you today? #

/Finally someone in charge. I want a lightsaber. /

# I'm sorry but we don't sell those in my shop however I do know that a shop a couple of streets away does sell them. #

/No I want it from here. /

# may I ask why it has to be from here? #

/No you may not. I know you are hiding them and I am very disappointed that you can't give me for what I ask. /

# I am really sorry ma'am for the confusion but I hope we can make up for it as we don't have lightsabers. I hope you have a good day. # 

(clint came into Peters room with a lightsaber that he had made last week) 

Hello what can I do for you? 

= the lightsaber is not working it won't on. I want another one. =


(with that clint left Peter room after giving him the lights Aber) 

/I see that you sell lightsabers and only want me to not buy them. I shall complain to everyone on social media about your customer service and how you deemed the customer wrong. Unless I get an apology and a free lightsaber. /

Sure here you go ma'am have a nice day and thank you for shopping at Walmart. 

(shuri than strutted out) 

She came back in and told Peter that they could work on the lightsaber in Peters room while having a star wars marathon with MJ and Ned. They both agreed and were in Peters room watching star wars less than half an hour later. They ended up fixing clint while making one for each of them and re acting the fight scenes. A couple of hours later they were all fast asleep on the couch in Peters room. Shuri on the end and Peter leaning on her while ned was lying on Peter and MJ was taking in the scene before putting a blanket on all of them and falling asleep herself. 

For those of you confused:

Normal is peter

/ is shuri talking

- is ned talking

# is MJ talking

= is clint talking

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