Replaced 2

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Peter and natasha went to her home where Bruce had just come up the driveway and told Peter he was sorry with what had happened. He stayed with them for a week but went back to the tower when he heard miss potts had come back. He went and all his things were on the living room in a box and when he asked clint why he said that Rob needed a room. However his eye shone a unnatural blue before quickly switching back. 


Peter ran to his mother's office and went to greet her. They met each other and they talked for ages before Pepper told Peter that they should go downstairs and eat some food. Peter was nervous as he was unsure how the avengers would react. Peper noticed her sons change in attitude and he began to cry. Peter what's wrong tell me pepper's voice said soothingly and Peter began telling her everything from the moment Robert came into the tower till today. He also told her which avengers were nice to him. He also told her about the momentarily blue glistening of clients eyes before changing back to their normal colour. 

Peter I'm sure it is not like that come with me downstairs and if anyone says something then I'll deal with them okay. Peter and Pepper headed down to eat. They went down and Peter hid behind pepper so it was okay until Tony noticed that there was someone behind pepper. Who's behind you pep? Tony asked. Peter she said. Why? He questioned he's our son replied pepper to which Tony said no he's not Robert is and he's way better, he has parents and a girlfriend he's better looking and he's better in everything than him the him was said with scorn. 

Peter ran out with tears running down his face. Tony Anthony Stark you did not just upset my son and call him worthless apologies now or were done. Pepper glared at him and walked out. Peter where are you she called out. 

She heard a couple of sobs and looked towards the right where Peter was sobbing. I'm sorry baby ill make sure he never goes near you again. Wipe those tears he doesn't deserve your love okay. He wiped his tears and put his head on her lap while she played with his locks till he fell asleep. Pepper knew she was going to kill Tony for hurting her baby. 

Peter however told her to let it go that it was fine. He cut ties with the other avengers - except from a few- not that they seemed to mind anyway. He was getting over them until there was a science fair held at his school and there would be prizes for first and second place. 

First place goes to... Drumroll please..... Peter Parker congratulations it was a fight for the first place place and was narrowly won by Peter. Peter went up and everyone cheered and he gave a small speech which he was asked to do by the principal. When he was done people were cheering however there was some booing noise coming from the back. Peter looked and he saw the avengers who he once deemed family. He got of and was greeted by pepper, natasha, loki and bucky. Bruce was out of town for a conference but had wished him luck beforehand and had taken thor so he could help design new asgard in Norway . 

Thank you Peter and he is followed by Robert stark who did extremely well. Robert went upto get his prize and was cheered loudly by the avengers- Tony, Steve, Sam, Wanda, Clint, Scott and everyone eles. Hello my name is Robert stark and I recently got adopted by Tony stark and the avengers have become my family and I have replaced a boy who use to be part of their family but was nothing compared to me. He took a breather while flashing a smirk. Flash looked towards Peter giving him a sympathetic gaze. Peter blood was being to boil everything had suddenly become about Robert. Rover this and Robert that he could get away from him or anything he did- him and his perfect life. 

Peter stormed up on stage

P:what makes you so good and worthy of praise?

R: Tony stark adopted me and the avengers are my family. You can't say that they kicked you out. By the way how's the street it no wonder everyone left you your a worthless orphan. 

Pepper was barely holding back natasha and loki was doing his best to stop the winter soldier from coming out. Pepper and loki were refraining their anger as they knew Peter would not agree to it. 

P: there only your family due to Mr stark adopting you they accepted me before I was adopted and they all loved me months before. Go on robert what level is your pass

R:level 8 indigo while puffing out his chest. 

P:funny I had level 11 black go on tell me have you been to his personal lab. 

R: yes I have to his lab on level 74

P:thats his personal lab as far as I remember avengers tower has 115 floors and his personal lab that he doesn't allow anyone not even his science buddie Bruce except me is on level 99 and made me a lab that connected directly through the lab. One last question what do you call the avengers 

R: Mr Rogers, Mr lang, Mr Wilson, Miss Maximoff, Mr Barton and named all the other avengers till he got to Tony and said Tony proud that he was on first name basis with iron man. 

P:captain spangles, bug boy, witchy, bird brain, bird brain#2, Queen Elizabeth, buckster or buckeroo, mama spider and named all the other avengers cause am to lazy to list them all so pretend I've said them and finally mom and dad. 

R: so what I'm part of their family and your not. 

P: Mr stark I don't wanna go Mr stark. 

No sooner had he said this Tony started to have a panic attack shouting one name Peter over and over again. Mr stark I'm here I'm fine he said while holding Tony hand see I'm here and no one is going to take me away from you. The avengers came out of the state and went to hug Peter. 

Meanwhile during all of this the whole school was looking back and forth and saw a side of Peter they had never seen before. They all cheered when the avengers hugged Peter and evn more when flash square punched Robert in the face knocking him out while going to congratulate him. They had become good friends in the time Robert was there and had become quite close looking out for one another. 

Tony called a celebratory win of Peters success and being free from being controlled everyone of the avengers, ned, MJ and flash. Everyone had made amends and it was found out that Tony and Pepper had been looking to adopt and almost choose Robert but then Peter had to ruin it and ruined his life and had therefore been bent on revenge he had got a year of community service and had to pay a fine of 1000 considering he was a child. 

This has 1222 words. That is alot and sorry it came very late was planning to do it but I was busy but I hope you enjoyed this and liked how it came out. I probably spent Wandas surname wrong cause am crap at spelling so sorry about that. 

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