I giggled and shook my head, "You asked me to go to the shops for you, I couldn't just walk outside like that - and it's winter - and it's snowing."

"Did anyone speak to you?" He asks out of curiosity - the both of us were happy here by ourselves. The fact that we didn't have to hide was a comforting thought, but the both of us were much happier when we were alone.

"A few asked about my outfit - some recognised me but didn't say anything, got a few dirty looks," I explained vaguely, not wanting to go into any detail. Nothing bad had happened, I just didn't like the idea of girls despising me just because of the fact that I was now dating their celebrity crush - that was the only reason that I could think of. It was like the whole neighbourhood thought that I was trashy.

He smiled at me sympathetically and his fingers stroked up my arm before he managed to pull my body towards his, "Oh fuck the lot of 'em," he states with a huff and a laugh.

I hummed in agreement as I nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck, one of my hands landed upon his bare chest, "Do you ever think about before? When Queen was Smile? The stall, Truro - the nights that we'd spend with the boys at the local bar - our birthday celebrations there, not being recognised?"

"Course I do - quite a lot, but I do like living in the moment," he tells me, debating with himself as the tone of his voice sounded quite unsure, "I wouldn't want to go back, now that I think of it - I was a fucking fool then -," he trailed off as his index finger ran along my upper arm.

I giggled, "I know, I know - you still are."

He has a large smile on his face but shakes his head fervently, "Seriously - I was a moron for not realising - that I was being a complete and utter twat to you. Playing it cool - like we were just friends - we were, but there was always something more wasn't there? I'm still a knob sometimes, even more so then - because I knew that I was petrified with the way that I felt about you."

The both of us were fools - I was about to speak, but got cut off by Roger again.

"We could've been together ages ago -."

I smiled and shook my head at him - I brought one of my hands to his cheek, my thumb stroked at his skin, "We had a lot of growing up to do - we still do. But we had fun, danced, laughed, got high, got pissed. Just like we do now, except I suppose we could say that we are more mature. Maybe us, wouldn't have worked back then."

I remembered when all of us would sit at a table within a bar and smoke and drink - Freddie had access to certain tame drugs - it was enjoyable, different - a lifestyle that I never did think I'd get into. I wasn't as crazy as the boys, they often got more high on drugs than I did, Mary too, except she did not have any at all. I knew that doing this tour would mean that my surroundings would be very different, and it wasn't something that I was completely opposed to, I was going to ease into it because of the fact that my friends were rockstar's themselves who were living the rock and roll lifestyle. I was going to enjoy myself and hopefully move forward with a successful career.

"That may be true," he nodded and continued to embrace me, "I don't regret anything - in some ways I'm glad I kept quiet - sometimes, even though it really pissed me off - hence why I drank a lot around you and Tim - a lot of the drug taking."

I frowned, "Don't make me feel bad -."

"I'm not making you feel bad - I was as happy as I could be - it was just a few nights, that I did that - those nights where you had to take me back home, you pulling my hair back," he explained as he pushed away a few strands of hair that fell over my eyes, he chuckled too as he thought about those memories, how we hardly ever could remember what happened the night before, "We were happy, even more so now."

You're My Best Friend  • Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now