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May 1979    Chapter 48

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May 1979 Chapter 48

Roger sat alone in the mansion that he'd bought for him and Barbara to live in. The place had lots of furniture, was filled with some of his and Barbara's old bits from the apartment that he was still paying for, just in case she wanted to see it one last time - he'd hung up some of her artwork and even had delicately nailed up some of her plate collection - as silly as he'd thought it was. But it still felt empty to him.

He'd only just got off of the plane from America - he tried to converse with Brian, Freddie and Deaky, but his responses were quite sparse because internally he didn't want to talk to anybody apart from Barbara. He didn't like to admit the fact that he cried after the phone call, slapped his face to knock himself out of it - wondered if she was doing the exact same thing.

This wasn't how he'd pictured his return - five months ago the plan was for them to move in together. The scale of of the house further highlighted Barbara's absence. He didn't know how he'd managed to fuck up - or how he even did fuck up. Granted, he hadn't called her - he'd tried in his spare time - called MCA records only to be told that she'd quit and couldn't give him her whereabouts.

Roger was true to his word, even though Barbara didn't seem to believe him. He had been worrying about her since he'd left for the spontaneous tour, he didn't even have time to pack much before meeting the boys and travelling abroad. Before he could even think he was onto the next place for an interview, show or photoshoot. He worried more when he read about her supposed 'last show', the outfit that she got heavily criticised for and then the release of 'Growing Pains'. He listened to it - then panicked, had his head bowed and his hand holding his forehead.

You don't make my heart beat like you used to.

All of the lyrics made his heart fall down to his stomach. While the song was beautiful, Roger couldn't help but overthink and consider the fact that perhaps the lyrics were written about him - that she was growing out of love with him.

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