"I'll buy you this hmm? As birthday present" He ask

"Nice... I'm sure will wear it" I exclaimed

"Okay!" He said. I felt someone tap my shoulder and it was Rapmon oppa holding a black midi dress with gray t-shirts underneath.

"I'm gonna buy you this. How about it?" He ask

"Beautiful!" I said as he went to paid

"Let's went to Gucci!" V oppa exclaimed as we follow him. We went out of this store and head to Gucci store. V oppa drag me to the woman section and started to choose an outfit.

"What about this?" He ask holding a dark blue jacket
"You can wear while you're riding your bicycle" he said

"Okay...but aren't it expensive? " I ask

"Nah...don't worry about that...it's all about Gucci" he said and I nod. This boy is really a Gucci Boy. Suddenly Jhope oppa drag me to the shoes section.

"What size are your shoes?" He ask and I tell him my shoes size. He grab some white Gucci trip quilted leather ankle boots.

"But...oppa it's so...expensive!" I said

"Don't worry...I'm reach af" he said

"*sigh* Fine...but you guys didn't even need to buy me a present" I said to them

"What are you saying? It's your birthday!" Jungkook said

"Let's go to Chanel!" Jimin oppa exclaim as we head to the store after V and Jhope oppa paid. I already had 4 shopping bags on my hands and soon it will be more.

"What do you want? Tell me.." Jimin oppa ask

"Anything you want to buy for me" I said

"How about this coat? It will be winter soon right?" He said holding a black comfy coats

"I'm sure I will wear that" I said

"Okay!" He went to pay.

"Let's go to the Supreme store..." Suga oppa drag me

"I'll buy you boots. It's soon to be winter right?" He said and I nod.

"Choose one" he said and I look at what he was holding. A black boots and a brown boots. They both look comfortable.

"I want the black one" I said and he nod and went to pay. After paying he gave me the shopping bags. Great...now I have 2 Guess bags with 1 Chanel bag on my right hand and 2 Gucci bags and 1 Supreme bag on my left hand and didn't even notice I was struggling to hold the bags because they having fun in this store.

"Now mine...let's went to Stussy" Jungkook said as everyone follow him. I follow him in the store as he stop at the t-shirts section.

"Gonna take this..." he grab a black oversive t-shirts that have the Stussy logo in the middle and put it on my body

"Good...it's fit you" he said and he walked towards the jeans section.

"This black ripped jeans...what's your size?"he ask as I tell him my size. The black ripped jeans somehow have a tag hang on the belt part saying 'Stussy'. He also grab a black hoodie that have it's own logo again.

"This is all for me?" I ask and he nod.

"But Jungkook-" he cut me off

"It's your birthday...I can buy how much present I want to buy for you" he said

"Fine..." I said


Jungkook and I went to the camera store.

"What do you want to buy?" I ask him

"A camera....for you" he said

"Why??? I don't need it" I said

"Yes...you need it" he said

"Pick one that you really want. I know you love to take pictures before" he said


"The pictures on your desk" he said

"Ohh....by the way...I love this camera so much" I point at the camera.

"But you never need to pay. I will" I said as I grab the camera.

"No...I will...I'm rich so shut up" he said and grab the camera from me and ran to the cashier.

"Aish...they spent to much money on me" I mumble. I look around and saw a Polaroid Camera.

"I want to buy this" I mumble and grab it and went to the cashier. I saw the cashier girl finish packing the camera that Jungkook buy for me and she also is looking at him curiously luckily Jungkook is wearing his mask. I hand the girl the Polaroid Camera.

"You want to buy that?" He ask and I nod. I paid and now I have 8 bags.

"Let me help you" he chuckled looking at me struggling to hold all the 8 bags as he take 4 bags from me.

"Finally" I sigh

"Let's go to the Starbucks" he exclaimed as we head there and saw everyone there.I sat between Jungkook and Jimin oppa. There's a cake from Baskin Robin at the middle of the table.

"This cake is freaking expensive. You guys can just buy an affordable one" I whine

"But it's affordable for us" Suga oppa smirk

"We're rich" Jimin oppa said and they laugh.

"Now...let's sing" Jin oppa said. They sang the 'Happy Birthday' song to me and after that I blow the small candle after making a wish. We eat the cake while I hear them joking around.

"The best day of my life" I said and they look at me smiling. They're my angel.

Sorry for any grammar mistake or typos. I hope you enjoy. Well this chapter is kinda boring cause it's all about y/n birthday. Buy I hope you have fun reading and please vote.

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