best friends to lovers

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You sat on Taylor's couch with Benjamin on your lap, waiting for her to get home.

You've been friends with Taylor for eight years now. You've had each others backs through the good and the bad, every breakup and heartbreak that you've both experienced more times than you ever wished for.

You've always had feelings for Taylor but you've always kept them to yourself. You figured Taylor would never feel that way towards you and you didn't wanna risk losing her completely.

It was hard for you to sit back and watch Taylor date other people though but you always bit your tongue. It was easier to do that than to confess your feelings, knowing they'd never be returned.

You heard Taylor's car pull in the driveway and when she opened the door she was instantly flashing you that beautiful, toothy grin that you love so much. "Well this is a nice surprise." You giggled as she pet Benjamin and took a seat next to you. "How are you?" "I'm good. Figured i'd come over and hang out with you for a while." Taylor smiled and put her hand on your shoulder making your heart race; to her it was a simple gesture but to you it sent fire through your veins.

"Always putting that spare key to use." You laughed but stopped when her phone went off, a picture of a girl popping up on her screen before she grabbed it and giggled to herself. You cleared your throat and Taylor looked up from her phone. "Who's that?" "Oh that's the girl i've been hanging out with lately." Your heart dropped. You no longer felt like hanging out. No, you wanted to go home and eat some ice cream while weeping to sad songs in your pajamas.

You put on your best fake smile and put Benjamin on her lap. "Oh shoot, look at the time. I should get going." Taylor put her phone down and followed you to the door. She grabbed your hand as you tried to walk out of the house, her fingers softly moving across your wrist. "What's wrong? I thoughT you came over to hang out?" You knew you were gonna cry and you didn't need her seeing that, so you shook your head and ran out to your car leaving Taylor confused as she watched you drive away.


It's been a few days since you saw Taylor. You've ignored every call and every text message. Day one involved sappy showers and ice cream while day two involved all the sad songs from your favorite bands and you eating cookie dough in bed. The last two, however, has involved you barely leaving your bed and kicking yourself for leaving the way you did.

Your mind swam with thoughts of all the possibilities of what Taylor thought of you and the reason why you ran out. You also kicked yourself for falling for your best friend; you should've known you didn't stand a chance. She's your best friend, why would she ever see you as anything other than that.

You need a shower and you need to eat, yet you didn't want to leave the comfort of your bed. You tried to reason with yourself, saying that after you did those things you could crawl back into bed. So you found the strength to get up and you grabbed a towel before going to start the shower and getting in.

You took your time but when you finally got out you wrapped yourself up in a towel. You walked out to the kitchen to make yourself some dinner but your heart nearly dropped when you saw Taylor sitting on your couch. "Taylor! Don't do that, you scared me." She stood up and walked over to you. "You weren't answering my calls or my texts. I got worried about you."

You regretted giving her that spare key. "y/n why weren't you answering me?" You walked to the cupboard to pull out some food. "Why do you care? Shouldn't you be out with your girlfriend?" Taylor raised her brow at you, smirking at you when the pieces suddenly fell into place. "Are you jealous y/n?" You slammed the cupboard, looking back at Taylor to find her smirking at you. "No." You said bitterly and Taylor chuckled. "Really? So you don't have feelings for me?"

You froze and gulped, clearing your throat as Taylor walked over to stand in front of you. You shook your head, knowing that you'd stammer if you spoke. "You sure?" You nodded and tried to calm your racing heart as Taylor took one of your hands in hers. "What if I told you that I have feelings for you." You scoffed and stepped over to the microwave to put your food inside, but you almost dropped it when Taylor grabbed your wrist in her hand. "y/n" she whispered, taking the food out of your hand and putting down on the counter before she intertwined her fingers with yours. "I'm serious."

"What? How? You have a girlfriend." Taylor laughed and smirked at you once more. "y/n I didn't say she's my girlfriend." You froze and bit your lip hard enough to draw blood. "What? Yeah you di-" "I said I was hanging out with her. Never did I once say that she's my girlfriend." You mentally face-palmed yourself. It's true. She never said that. "Shit I-" Taylor interrupted you by pressing her lips on yours. You were shocked at first. you didn't actually realize what was happening for a few seconds and when you did you kissed her back. You didn't know what to do with your hands so you just moved them to her back.

She slowly pulled away a few moments later. You were still in shock. You felt like you had to be dreaming, but when her hand stroked your cheek you knew it wasn't a dream. Your eyes fluttered shut and you giggled as she pressed a couple kisses to both your cheeks. You opened your eyes a few seconds later, smiling when she leaned her forehead on yours. "I love you y/n. I've loved you for so long but i've been so nervous to tell you. I didn't wanna ruin things between us but when you reacted the way you did a few days ago, I knew that you had to feel the same way." You nodded your head and moved your hands to her shoulders. "I do. I love you too."

She kissed your forehead a few times and in the midst of it, your eyes went wide when a realization hit you. You're still in your towel. You looked down at your bare feet and Taylor laughed as she put her hand on your back. "Um I should go get dressed and then maybe we can order pizza and watch a movie?" Taylor nodded and smiled at you and as you walked away you could feel her eyes on you.

When you came out a few minutes later Taylor was sitting on your couch again with her phone in her lap. "I ordered a pizza." You took a seat next to her and rested your head on her shoulder. "Good, i'm hungry." Taylor giggled and rubbed your back. "So, what are we now?" Taylor lifted your chin and locked her eyes with yours. "What do you want us to be?" You bit your lip nervously and suddenly felt nervous again. "Lovers?" Taylor smiled and captured her lips with yours once again. "Okay. Lover." She smirked before you both laughed at her pun. You both laid back against the couch and you rested your head on her shoulder. She turned on a random movie while you waited for the pizza to arrive.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Two (gxg) - COMPLETED & UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now