"I have to keep you safe"

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Christmas shopping - not exactly your favorite thing in the world, but it needed to be done. Christmas is coming up fast and you have to make sure you have gifts for your family and Taylor's, since they're all coming over to your house for Christmas.

Taylor was bored though. She already finished up her Christmas shopping and you had to bring her here with you so she could help you pick out some stuff her family would really love. She snuck up behind you and rested her face on your back. "Are you almost done?" She whined and it made you laugh.

"Why are you so impatient today?" You teased, turning around and wrapping your arms around her. "It's cold outside and I wanna go home and cuddle with you." You couldn't help but grin at her, making Taylor do the same. you kissed her nose and then her cheek that was still slightly cold from the winter air outside. "Just a couple more things and i'll be ready."

A few minutes went by and you finally had everything that you needed to get. "Are we done?" Taylor asked, her arms wrapping around you again as her lips touched your neck. "Yeah i'm done." Taylor cheered and tugged on your hand to get in line.

Taylor frowned when she saw the angry customer in front of you both. He was yelling and swinging his arms around. Taylor put her hand out in front of you. "Move back, darling" she said as she wrapped her arm around you to keep you from getting nervous. Taylor didn't wanna interfere but she was growing increasingly uncomfortable and more worried, for your sake.

She turned her head to find that there were a few people around you, their carts full and blocking you both from leaving the line, though she was sure it wasn't intentional. She cleared her throat and tightened her grip around you as she heard the workers start to tell the angry man he needed to leave, but he just kept yelling louder and louder as he swung his arms around.

She could feel you starting to get a little anxious. Your heart was beating a little faster and your hands were a little shaky. "It's okay, just stay calm. I've got you." She whispered in your ear, just loud enough for you to hear.

Suddenly the man swung his arm a different way, this time towards you, and he ended up hitting you. "You okay?" She asked, her hand brushing the spot on your cheek that the man had hit, hard. You were crying and clinging onto Taylor, scared and in pain. She was angry. Not only had he gone too far but he hasn't even apologized to you. People were crowding around you and asking if you were okay.

Taylor was biting her tongue, trying not to say anything to the man but you were crying and you were hurting, and she was in protective mode over you. "Hey!" Taylor yelled, capturing the man's attention. "You hit my girlfriend." The man just chuckled before looking back at the cashier, about to open his mouth again when Taylor stepped in front of you to keep you from getting hurt again, in case anything happened.

She was seething. Her blood was boiling. She could feel your hand clutching her shirt before your hand moved to grab hers. She gave it a small, reassuring squeeze as she bitterly spoke to the guy again. "You need to apologize to my girlfriend and then get the hell out of here." The man looked back at her and scoffed. "Did I hurt your girlfriend? Poor baby." Taylor's fist clenched at her side. "Taylor can we please just go?" You pleaded, tears running down your bruised cheeks.

Taylor was about to say something when she heard the sound of sirens approaching. The guy tried to run but the employees blocked him from doing so. When Taylor saw the cops come in she turned back to you and wrapped her arms around you. She gently tugged you out of the line and quickly walked you out to the car as you held onto her tightly. She made sure you got in the car safely before she softly cupped your cheeks in her hands, looking at the bruise that was forming on your cheek. "Oh honey, i'm so sorry. Are you okay? Are you hurting?" You sniffled, the tears still falling from your eyes that Taylor quickly and gently wiped away.

"Taylor you didn't have to say anything to him." She just smiled at you and pressed a soft kiss to your cheek. "For you? I'd do anything. He should've never acted like that but him hitting you was way out of line. You were scared, I have to keep you safe." You brushed your lips over hers and slowly pulled away a few seconds later.

"You make me feel safe. Thank you for protecting me. I love you." You put your head on her chest and her arms wrapped around you to hug you close. "Hey, you're my girl. I'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe. Always. I love you so much."

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Two (gxg) - COMPLETED & UNDER EDITINGOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora