Trouble sleeping

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For the third night in a row you laid wide awake staring at the ceiling. It was getting to be so frustrating; this habit your body had seemed to form all on its own.

You could have the busiest day and feel exhausted but by the time you and Taylor laid down to go to sleep, you were wide awake.

All this sleep deprivation was leaving you feeling anxious. You could sleep, just not for long and it took you hours to get there. So by the time morning rolled around, you maybe slept three hours and it was taking so much out of you.

Taylor felt really helpless. She didn't know what to do. She swore she was there and she really wanted you to wake her up if you had trouble sleeping, but you didn't want her to suffer too, so you let her sleep.

But tonight was different. You were tired of going through this. So many thoughts went through your mind. Was this how things were gonna be for the rest of your life? Was this temporary? What had triggered it? You weren't sure, you didn't have any answers and you felt so overwhelmed.

So you rolled over and tapped Taylor's arm, hating yourself for waking her up but you just weren't sure what to do anymore.

"y/n?" She said in a sleepy voice, blindly searching for your hand in the darkness. She grabbed it and gently squeezed it, tiredly asking you what was wrong.

"I can't sleep again."

She sighed and stretched her legs out, reaching with her free hand to grab the remote, a plan coming to her mind.

"What is this like the third night in a row?"

You nodded and swallowed the tightness in your throat that formed. "I'm sorry for waking you."

She shushed you and tugged you close, turning on the tv and browsing around on Netflix for your favorite show.

"What are you doing Tay? This won't help."

She chuckled and stroked your upper back with her fingertips. "You just relax now. Just focus on my fingers on your back and keep watching your favorite show."

And you did.

It took a while, the hours slowly ticking by, or so it felt like it. You were anxious about the time again. It had to be around three am now. You were surprised when Taylor told you it had only been an hour and that somehow helped you feel a little calmer.

Another hour passed before you yawned. You finally felt tired. Taylor pressed a soft kiss to your forehead and kept stroking your back, the sound of your favorite show and Taylor's soothing voice in your ear slowly starting to fade away.

When she noticed you were sleeping she felt relieved, happy that you were finally able to get the sleep you needed and deserved.

She didn't turn off the tv, though. She kept it on just in case, being sure to put the remote close to her on the table before she closed her eyes, allowing herself to go back to sleep now that you were finally getting some sleep yourself.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Two (gxg) - COMPLETED & UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now