-New York Lovers Call-

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Liza Koshy's POV

It's been two days since we arrived in New York City and we've already gone on some shopping trips. I remember the wind flowing through my brown hair as Gold and I took a picture of us high up on the Empire State Building. Both of us laughed as we vlogged the trip for our YouTube channels.

(In the book they do have YouTube channels, but their not as popular, as the viewers don't know their secrets.)

Today, Gold, Draco, Kyran, and some other teenagers decided to go to a NYC candy store. We got into 2 taxis and then took a subway to the mall where the store was.

As we walked in I could smell sweet aromas from candies all over the world. I eyed many different flavors of cotton candy on racks near the pink entrance, and lollipops of all types hanging from another rack. There were rainbow gummies, sweet cookies, and many other delicious desserts! "Gold, come on! We have to get lots of sweets!" I pulled Gold over to the lolipops, both stuffing our hands with them. "I should definitely get some sweets for Rainbow, my sister!" Gold suggested. "Rainbow is your sister?" "Yup!" Gold replied, running over to the cotton candies.

An Hour Later

We were all sitting by the pool, eating desserts. We shared some with the students that didn't go with us to the candy store, but not that much cause we wanted it all!

I managed to catch a glimpse of Kyran putting a pink piece of gum in Gold's mouth, who smiled at him, sweetly. They look so cute together!

It's obvious that Kyran loves Gold, but I don't know if she feels the same way about him.

Katie's POV

I'm flipping through the book again, still home alone because my mother is in the woods. I see new pages have been added, of New York and a huge cave incident since the last time I've been through the book. Then, I scroll back to the very first page in the book. It read...

3rd Person POV

Once, a very long time ago, a child was born. The future Queen. "What a lovely daughter we have!" Her mother, Sara the 1st said, cradling the girl in her arms. "I agree, she's just gorgeous." Her father, Stephen implied. "She'll make an amazing princess!" Sara exclaimed.

So, Nancy grew up with her three younger sisters. Alice being the second oldest was born a few years later, then came both Alissa and Sandra, twins, only a few minutes apart.

Nancy always loved sword fighting and riding horses from a young age, while the others had other interests. Alice was very interested in fashion, poofy dresses, and Royal etiquette. Alissa was always into dark, bloody, monsters, magic, and the color green. Sandra loved schooling and teaching the younger kids in the kingdom about everything.

Nancy was walking down the kingdom's main road in the village, a sword hooked onto her belt, and her hair up in a light red ponytail. She had black pants, high knee black boots, a slim grey shirt with a dark jacket covering part of it.

"Yes sir! I'll bring the horses to the wagon immediately!" A young man was talking to his master, and then started racing towards those horses he was going to get. As he ran along, he ended up bumping into the Princess' shoulder, causing her to turn around and stare at the boy.

"Hey! Where are you going in such a hurry?" Nancy questioned;the boy turned around and looked at her. "I'm bringing horses to my master." Then he eyed Nancy's small crown atop her head, with white jewels all over it. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry, your highness." He bowed down, but Nancy was not impressed. "I may a 17 year old princess, but you don't need to bow to me! I'm just a normal person, just like you. Just with a little bit more responsibility." Nancy winked.

"I guess I'll have to read the rest another time." Katie yawned as she looked up at the time, 12:35. She set the book up atop the bookshelf where she found it, and headed to her room for a good night's sleep.

She left the library, locking the double doors behind her with the shops and loft's master key.

From inside the library the young red haired girl screamed, but she wasn't so young anymore.

The Dragon (YouTuber Story) (Discontinued) Where stories live. Discover now