-Our Little Secret-

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3 Years Later

Sara's POV

"FREE TACOS TODAY!" My bubbly, sweet, black and pink haired friend, Maya, said. "Oh, right. Taco Tuesday!" Laila, my fashionable, smart, blonde friend said.

We walked to our school, Hybrid High School. Many students were running into the school, and we saw a boy with sleek, black hair, wearing the school's basketball team uniform. "Hey Benjamin!" Maya ran up to him, as he said, "Sara, you missed basketball practice this morning." He did not look happy that I didn't attend practice at 7:00. "I forgot that they changed the day to Tuesday! I'm so sorry! I'll be there this afternoon."

We have practice in both the morning and afternoon, and Benjamin, our captain, has strict orders of when to be there.

"Sara, let's go inside the school! We're gonna be late for science class!" Maya grabbed my hand and led us into the ninth grade science classroom. I glanced at the desk behind me. Andy, a guy who always wore a hood, was late again.

For The Next Ten Minutes We Listened
To Ms. Eleanor's Boring
Lectures About The Body.

Then, the door to the room swung open and Andy Cates walked inside. He took the seat behind me, as always, in the very back of the classroom. I often worried about him. He doesn't speak to a lot of people, and always looks depressed. His twin sister, Sophie, is Laila's roommate, and they talk a lot, though.

Speaking Of Laila...

Laila agreed to help put up decorations for the Halloween Dance at the end of the week. After class, I hurried to the gym, as Maya grabbed lunch from the cafeteria. I saw Laila on a blonde boy named John's shoulders, struggling to keep Laila up as she put decorations on the basketball net's backboard. "Laila, I can't hold you much longer!" "I almost got it, John! Just hold on for one second!" Right after Laila said this, John tripped, Laila still holding onto the net. Her grip loosened and she fell right onto John's back. "OW!!!" John cried out in pain. "Sorry about that, John." Laila stood up, and helped John up. John held his back, probably aching a lot.

"I'll finish up later, let's go find Maya." Laila came over to me and we headed out of the gym to meet Maya. When we reached the third floor of the school, Maya raced up the stairs, behind us, panting. "Here!" She called to us. Laila told the story of the decorating incident as we headed up to the roof top. "So that's why I'm never asking John to help me with something like that ever again!"

When we reached the gated roof top, we saw a sad Sophie sitting up against the fence, with her head in her knees. "Sophie, what happened?" Laila ran over to her. "It's my brother... He always talks to me... usually just me... but now he's not talking to anyone." She pointed to Andy looking out towards the front of the school.

Maya and Laila started to stare at me. "Why are you guys staring at me like that?!? Wait... no! I know what your planning!" Maya grabbed me and pushed me over to him.

"Uh... h-hi... Andy." I stammered. He turned his head towards me. "Hello, Sara." He turned away again. "Y-you... t-talked..." "Did you think I couldn't?" His red eyes darted to mine, piercing my soul. "W-well... it's just that you don't really do that very much." I said to him. "Have you ever though that I maybe don't want to talk to people." His eyes stared at the front of the school again. I really couldn't reply to what he just said. I talk a lot.

Sophie ran over to him and wrapped her arms around her twin brother. "Thank you, Sara." She said, her head buried in Andy's shirt. "Yeah, no problem." I walked over to my friends. "So, how did it feel to talk to him?" Laila asked me. "Different, I guess." I answered her.

After School Is Out

Lunar's POV

"You saw what? What did you see?" I spoke to one of my roommates, Sara, on the phone. "I'll tell you once I get inside the dorm. You will not believe what I just saw!" I heard a beeping sound through the phone.

"She hung up." "What do you think she saw?" My other roommate, Lucinda, asked me. "I don't know. But I hope it isn't what I think it is. She was in the woods after all. It could be possible." I told Lucinda.

The front door to the dorm opened and the red haired girl came in and sat down on the sofa next to me. "So, Sara, what DID you see?" I ask her. "I saw these two girls with wolf tails and ears. One had pink hair and the other had light blue." It is possible. My eyes darted to Lucinda, who had a worried look on her face. "Your probably just going crazy. It must have been a hallucination." She said. "Yeah..." I said, agreeing. "Okay..."

I knew that voice. The voice when someone doesn't believe what your saying.

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