-The Halloween Dance-

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Sara's POV
"I can't believe we saw Ms. Birch at 'Alexia's Authentic Clothing' in the mall!" I exclaimed as Lunar, Lucinda and I walked out of the mall's doors, heavy bags in our hands, loaded with puffy dresses. "I know, right!" Lucinda agreed. "She like never comes out of her history classroom."

We passed by all the shops, lined with teenagers from Hybrid High School.

I guess everyone went last minute shopping for the Halloween dance this Friday.

"Saraaa! Look! It's that guy you told us about." Lunar smirked and motioned in front of us. I looked strait ahead to see Andy run up to us, his hood almost falling off. "S-sara! I-i n-need t-to a-ask y-you s-something!" He stammered. "Yeah, Andy? What is it?!?" I waited for him to respond, my heart beating wildly. "W-would y-you... like to go to the dance with me?" He asked. My eyes widened in surprise, and I knew I had to say, "Yes!" I jumped up and down after he said he'll meet me at the dorms on Friday. I was over excited for this dance and I skipped all the way to the dorms like a child.


I took my dress carefully off of it's hanger in my closet. It was a black, strapless dress with glitter on the torso, a short ruffle skirt, and a crimson bow on the back. I put my dress on and slipped my wedges on my feet. I grabbed my purse and was ready to get my dance on!

I walked towards my date, wearing no hood so I could see his neatly groomed hair. He was wearing a silky black suit with a white bow tie at the collar. "Ready, my lady?" "Ready as I'll ever be!" I winked at him as I took his open hand. We walked to the school, it's really not that far from the dorms.

Once we arrived, I saw both Maya and Laila dressed up in clothing similar to mine. Laila was wearing a long, off the shoulder, white dress with baby blue flowers on the skirt. Maya was dressed in a short, long sleeved, black and purple dress, with an amethyst necklace.

"Hey guys!" Maya exclaimed as Andy and I got closer to them. "Are you both ready to go in?" Laila asked and Andy and I nodded.

"So who's your dates?" Andy asked Maya and Laila. They looked at each other. Then got red as a tomato when they realized what they had just motioned. "WE'RE GOING AS FRIENDS!" They both screamed, causing students and teachers around us to stare. I heard some kid by the food table laugh at the remark. "Well, we're gonna leave you two alone." Laila said, dragging Maya with her as they headed to another side of the gym. "EEEE! A SPIDER!" Maya yelled, probably cause she saw a fake spider. That same kid laughed again.

As I looked around the gym, I noticed many teenagers from all four high school grades. I noticed Joey Graceffa and Colleen Ballinger dancing on the dance floor in the center of the room, and the same light blue hair girl I saw earlier getting down from the DJ booth. She headed over to the food table.

"Sooo, you know, it would be really cool if dragons were real." Andy randomly stated. "Yeah... that would be pretty awesome." I replied with a smile. "Hey! Have you seen a girl with light blue hair?" I turn around to see a pink haired girl. My eyes widen and I freeze, but manage to say, "Uh, yeah. Over by the food table." I pointed at it. "Thanks!" Her pink hair tied up in a pony tail swung when she ran to her friend.

"I think I recognize that girl."

"You've seen her before?" Andy asks me. "Yeah." "I have too. She was a senior last year. And that light blue haired girl, she's a junior here." Andy says. "Wait, do you know their names?" I ask my date. "The blue haired one is Katelyn, but I don't know the other girl's name. She hasn't been seen talking to many people. But I know she comes to the school to talk to Gold during lunch. You could probably get more information from her." Andy replies. "Thanks... your a huge help."

??? POV

"I remember when I used to go here..." I said, twirling my pink hair with my fingers. "Don't get all sentimental like you always do. We came here on a mission. To find you-know-who, and inform Principal Sandra on it. We didn't come here to get flashbacks from 10th grade." Katelyn said to me. "Right! On with our mission! So who do you think it is. She probably has red hair." I say to my blue haired friend. "She must have red hair. Her mother and father both did, and plus we've met her before." Katelyn implies. "Wait it could be that girl!" I motion to a bright red haired girl on the dance floor. "Let's check her out. Come on!" Katelyn guides us to the red head.

"Hey! What's your name?" I ask her. She turns around and stares at me dead in the eye, as if she's seeing into my soul. "Mah name's a Fluffy!" She says. "I love your hair!" I compliment her. She grabs onto the top of her hair and yanks it off of her head, then throws the wig at my face and walks away. "Well, that definitely wasn't her." Katelyn says.

The Secret Wolf's Den

I press my hand against the cold stone of the boulder blocking the passageway. It lifts up into the night sky revealing a dark passageway. It falls as I snap my fingers behind us. We soon enter a cave full of pictures lining the walls, beds scattered around the room, and a mini refrigerator in the corner. A door across the room leads to the restroom and meeting rooms.

I sit down on a bed with light pink sheets as Katelyn grabs a Hybrid Woke, (Coke) and sips slowly out of it, her back pressed against the hard, grey wall. "Do you think we'll ever find our savior?" I ask Katelyn. "We just have to have hope." She replies.

In a matter of seconds she starts to shiver, eyes glowing white. A large, white tail sprouts out of her back. On her head, blue  cat ears grow larger. I go through the same thing after she does, my diamond necklace against my chest glowing brighter than ever. "I agree, we have to have hope." My giant pink, fluffy, wolf tail swings back and forth as I speak.

"We WILL Find Our Princess,
And Be Saved From This

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