21. A Second Chance

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"You should've just let me die. Like you had hoped for.

"Abhaya sighed. "Michael, you know I didn't mean that."

He shrugged his shoulders in response. "You still should've let me." Michael's words didn't sit well within Abhaya's soul. "Don't say that..."

"Well, it's the truth. I'm tired of fucking living
LIKE THIS!" Michael's fist connected with the mirror; Cracking it into pieces and watching those pieces fall into the pit of the sink.

Abhaya was startled at Michael's behavior.

"Michael...you have to calm down." Her eyes shifted towards his right hand to see blood seeping from the multiple lacerations. Michael looked into the now cracked mirror. His indistinguishable appearance through the cracks was how he truly felt inside.

He didn't recognize himself anymore.

"Why do I look like this?" He said to himself.

Abhaya took a few steps close to him, which caused Michael to divert his attention back to her.

"Why do I look like this?" He asked her.

"Michael, let me see your hand..." She talked to him with carefulness. Abhaya didn't want to say the wrong things and set him off. He's almost there already.

"Answer me...why do I look like this, huh? WHY DO I LOOK LIKE THIS!?" He placed his hands over his face and started to cry. The blood from his hand was now on his face and beginning to cover various places as it dripped.

Abhaya's eyes began to water before a few tears
rolled down her cheeks. She reached her hand out
and touched the side of his shoulder. "Michael, you're going to get through this. Please don't give up on yourself, please." She sniffled.

Michael shook his head before removing his hands from his wet cheeks. "I'm not." He looked back into the mirror and turned his head towards the far left to see the patch. He placed his hand over it and rubbed It harshly, then scratched. He dug his nails inside of his skin, breaking it, making it bleed.

Abhaya screamed for him to stop, but he didn't.
He continued to slice at his skin with his nails. Blood started to run down his neck, but it wasn't enough for him, so he punched the mirror once again until more significant pieces fell into the sink.

He grabbed a piece of glass and placed it towards his neck, getting ready to cut himself until Abhaya slapped it out of his hand. She screamed as loud as she could when Michael grabbed another piece of glass.

She tried to grab that piece, but he managed to pull
his hand back. Her screams seemed to catch Ricky and Angel's attention, who heard them in the other hotel room. The two quickly left and dashed towards Ricky's room. Abhaya's screams were now clear as ever as Ricky and Angel made it inside the room and then the bathroom. Angel screamed as she saw all the broken glass and blood splattered.

Abhaya's hands were tugging at Michael's as she prevented him from cutting the side of his neck.

Both of the palms her were bleeding and cut up from grabbing at the glass.

"Michael, stop it! Stop!" Abhaya yelled. Ricky came towards her aid and pulled Michael away.

"What the fuck is going on!" Ricky yelled.

Summer 79' | MJ FFحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن