The Ringmaster's Taunts

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Time passed, as the night began to fade away, so did the amount of guests. The Ringmaster gave her closing ceremony, took her final bow, and bid the guests of the circus adieu. When everyone had left and gone, she let out a sigh and turned to the cages, "Great job everyone! Little boy, remember to keep your smile up!" The Twins scowled quietly and turned away, "My diva! You were amazing! However, you could work on those high notes..!" The goat legged teen turned away, her hands covering her face as she began to softly weep, "And you," the Ringmaster turned to the final cage, where The Beast had been sitting on the ground, gnawing on his cold, fleshy meal, "you always have to give me the most trouble... one more slip up, and your going to be put down..." The Ringmaster's voice cooed playfully, only to receive a loud snarl in return. She took her cane and slammed it against the bars, causing the chained creature to scramble himself away from her as quickly as possible, whimpering loudly, "Oh can it, you mutt... you freaks are lucky I don't put all of you down and find some brand new faces..." She gripped her cane, as The Diva spoke up through her sobs, "You're a monster!!"
"Me? The monster? Have you seen yourself in a mirror lately? Have you seen ANY of yourselves? You are nothing. You're God's mistakes that I happened to give a home. I gave you shelter. I have you jobs. I gave you EVERYTHING... and yet you still don't want to be here..." The Ringmaster tossed aside her cane, gathering her things from a nearby locker, "I'll see you all tomorrow night.. we better not have anymore problems or we're going to have a bit of trouble..." she left the tent's entrance, the caged performers watching in silence until she had fully left their sight.

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