Talking with the Nurse

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Their hands reeled back, one wrist bleeding heavily as he had let go of them. The Person seethed, obscenities escaping their mouth with each breath as they looked around desperately. Bystanders were shocked by how long The Person had lasted with their arms in the cage, and quickly lead them to the circus' nurse hut. As they entered, they found herself alone with the medic in question, applying pressure to their still dripping wound. The nurse quickly rushed to patch them up, asking The Person frantically, "What the hell even happened to you..?!" They replied softly, "The Blue Beast...I.. tried to pet him..."
"Didn't you read the sign? You know you can't sue us right..?"
"I know.. and.. I did..."
"Then why?! Why risk your arm, let alone your life, doing such a thing..?"
"I just felt like something was wrong. It's hard to describe it but... he's not really that bad.."

The nurse held her tongue, "Not that bad... you really think that...?" The Person nodded softly in reply. The nurse brought a hand up to her chin and quietly thought to herself, glancing at them every now and then, "By your logic... none of these freaks belong here... is that true..?"
"I wouldn't call them freaks... it seems like something horrible happened to all of them... something they couldn't control..."
"... Out of everyone who's ever visited my office..." the nurse spoke shakily, "You've been the only one to feel only kindness towards them..." she looked up, heavy tears held on the edge of her eyes, before each slow blink let a cascade of them run down her face, "I've wanted to say something for so long.. how we've been treating them is absolutely disgusting... no one's ever wanted to hear it.. but now... now that I know there are others who care.. we can do something.." She gulped, wiping her own tears away. The Person smiled and nodded, "What can I do to help??"

Escaping the Dark Woods Circus (Kaito X Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz