Author's Note

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Oh, my god, you guys. I can't believe it's done. It's really, really done. Holy crap. I'm just... I'm in a state of shock right now. Gah.

First, I'd like to thank you all so much for being so supportive of me. When I first started writing "Death's Daughter", I worried that it would never get past 500 reads, let alone past 500 votes. But look at us now, that's where we're at. While this may not have as many reads as "Shinigami Haken High School", it's my fanfiction with the most votes, and I'm incredibly proud. You guys are amazing. All of your kind comments, all of your votes, and all of the reads I'm recieving make my day. It makes me so, so happy that there's so many of you that appreciate what I write. Thank you.

Now, since Bri's story is done, I kind of want to make a behind-the-scenes. Let's see... Bri came into my mind nearly a year ago, Christmas break of last year. So she's nearly a whole year, that's the longest I've ever focused on an OC. Wowza. Believe it or not, Brielle was not originally meant to be Eric and Alan's adoptive child; she was supposed to be the Undertaker's biological child. Then, as that story progressed, I realized that it was going nowhere and was 237% cliche. Bri used to be such a Mary Sue, too. Her original purpose as an OC was to blindly fall in love with Ronald. Then, I decided to put a brain in her head so she'd avoid him (Come on, guys. Ronald's a great guy and he's one of my all time favorites, but everyone's gotta admit he'd just use his lovers)

After I ruled out the idea of having Undertaker be Bri's father, I still wanted Bri to have a special relationship with one of the reapers. Well, in this case, it's two. I watched the Black Butler musical, The Most Beautiful Death in the World, and I was fascinated by Eric and Alan. Two whole new reapers who hadn't even appeared in the anime, and I loved them. I decided I wanted Eric and Alan to take her into their care.

Actually, now that I look back on it, it would actually be really funny if she was in William's care. Maybe I should write a bonus chapter for that or something.

Speaking of William, I love how you guys all thought he was the bad guy. Really, there isn't much of a bad guy here. Will was actually a pretty good guy, in the last chapter, you learned that the whole reason he wanted to take Bri's life was so she could avoid the life of a Grim Reaper. So he's actually a pretty good guy... I always looked at William as a character who was stone cold on the outside but had a heart of gold on the inside. I was excited to portray him as that.

I bet you all liked the little scenes between Ron and Bri *wiggly eyebrows* As you read earlier, I planned to have Ronald and Bri end up together last December. So it's true, I do kind of ship Ronald and Brielle together. There, I said it (I didn't wanna say it before!) But, I also wanted Bri to be smart and self respecting, so I couldn't let her get involved with Ronald, who simply flirts with every other person on the planet. Also, Ron is canon, and Bri is not. Therefore, it'd be impossible for them to actually be together. So, for those of you who asked if I shipped Ron and Bri, here's your answer: I do ship them, but they can't be together.

I'm trying to think up other things to write here... ah... let's see... It was my original plan from the start to have Eric and Alan killed off. I wanted to pull that from the musical, and while I'm sure you all hate me so much for it, it had to be done. It was also my plan to have Bri become a Grim Reaper, I wrote the beginning of an ending for her at the end of the school year last year. So I'm actually really happy that I stayed on track with this story and that it went just where I wanted it to.

And now, I present, random tidbits with Oli! I actually own the dress that Brielle received for Christmas. I planned to make a cover in that dress with me as Bri, but then I cut my hair. Eh, maybe I'll use my Hanji wig for it and do that one of theses days, just for kicks and giggles... What else, what else... I originally didn't plan to have Grell in this fanficiton since he's so over written. I feel like he gets the most attention out of all of the reapers, and I wanted to focus on the others since they're just as great. But then I realized I had no one who'd squeal on Bri to Will, so I kind of had to have Grell appear. He just makes random appearances throughout the fanfic. Nothing major for the fabulous Red Reaper.

Once again, I'd like to thank you all for your love and support, I never thought that I'd have so many people here for me with my writing. Seriously, it's your comments and your votes that help keep me going. Whenever I have writer's block, I power on through and tell myself that it's for the readers, because I know you all really enjoy this fanfic. Now, I'd like to invite all of you to read my latest solo project, "Ordinary Hero". I advertised it a while back, but now that "Death's Daughter" is done, it's my main focus. I'd love it if we could carry on all of the love and support from "Death's Daughter", it would mean the world and more to me. I bet you're tired of me saying (typing?) this, but thank you so much. For everything. Until next time, keep reading and keep writing. I love you all so much.

Love, Oli

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