Beginning of a Promise Part 3

Start from the beginning

He nodded and spoke out

"My cousin was the one who made them. I tried to get him to not warn you yet, as you would not understand. But Alas, he was so stubborn, and decided to discard my warnings. The warning that will now forever change your fate from after."

I was confused.

"Wha...What do you mean?! I do not understand! Please, Soul Gaia! Tell me what the warnings I mean to represent!"

Soul Gaia closed his eyes, and took a deep breath...what...what is happening now?

"The creature you had seen was a creation made by a person who ruled the Grimm. Her name is Salem."

That caught me by surprise.

"Salem? That cannot be! I thought that she was a.."

Soul Gaia than finished what I was saying.

"A myth? You thought that I was a myth, but I am real. Salem and the Gods, The Mother of All, and the Mother Nature, they are all real. This is the warning that I am telling you about. Salem has recently released Gaia, my mother, and planned to bring Remnant to ruin. They have not attacked...because of you."


What?! What does he mean, 'because of me?! I am not that special, right?!

"What...What do you mean by that?! What is special about me that make me a threat to them?! I do not understand!"

But Soul Gaia was patient and spoke this to me.

"You have the power of the Abyss, and the power to change the world, as well as another power that is hidden within you, within your being. You may believe that it only gives you pain, but it is actually to purify the world of its evil. You have inherited the two greatest powers in the existent of Remnant itself. You see, the crystal you make is not a semblance. It has been my power the entire time. The reason for sending you those visions was not to simply show you what has happened to the father that you love, it was for you to finally get ready, to prepare for the battle of Salem and Gaia."


"WHAT?! You want me to fight against beings that are comparable to a god, and  a Primordial God altogether?! Soul Gaia, I am not as powerful as them!! What makes you think I can be strong enough to fight and defeat them both?!"

Soul Gaia took a deep breath!! How dare he thinks that I can fight them?! But than he spoke this out.

"You can. You have obtained the Elemental Orb. There are 4 Elemental Orbs in total: Wind, Water, Earth, and Fire. The one you obtained is the wind Orb. You can now absorb the corruption within their souls, and free them from their own evil. The Elemental Orb can unlock the full potential of your powers, as well as a hidden power that rests within you. But...when you get all of the Elemental Orbs, 'He' will be unleashed. And when 'He' comes, it will all be over."

Who is that person he is referring to?

"What do you mean? Who's he."

"I cannot say to you, since it will only affect your choices further. But, I will say he is an ally for you to have. warned...when you go find the Elemental Orbs, there is no turning back. Salem and Gaia will do anything in their power to stop you. The reason that they are not attacking yet, is because it will only alert the other humans for your presence. But...when you face them, you must prepare for the worst. Thankfully, you will not venture this sort of thing alone."

This surprised me.

"Who...who will accompany me with this task?"

He looked, and I sensed that he is...happy?

You Stare into the Abyss, and the Abyss stares back.Where stories live. Discover now