Hermione held out her right foot to her mother, who slid her satin, peep toe strap heels onto her foot. Hermione had fallen in love with the heels as soon as she saw them. The crystals shimmered elegantly with each step she took.

   "You look beautiful darling." Karen sobbed, tears cascading down her face as she placed the corded lace veil atop her daughter's head. "Harry's going to have a hard time keeping his eyes off of you."

"Oh Mum." Hermione said, her cheeks turning from their usual fair color to crimson. A soft knock on the door, broke Hermione's gaze from the mirror. "Who is it?"

   "It's Luna." The dreamy voice spoke softly from the other side.

   "Luna! Come on in!" Hermione exclaimed excitedly as Karen opened the door slightly to where Luna could walk through before quickly shutting it behind her.

    "Wow Hermione, you look stunning!" Luna squealed excitedly as she gazed at her best friend in awe.

    "Thank you, Luna." Hermione said warmly as the young, blonde witch strolled into the room. "What brings you up here? You're not due to get ready for another half hour."

    "Actually, Harry asked me if I could deliver this to you." Luna told her as she walked closer, holding out the velvet box Harry had given her to pass along.

   Hermione's eyebrow raised slightly as she accepted both items from Luna. She opened the note, her eyes lingering on Harry's familiar scroll.

I figured you could use something blue

   Something blue? Hermione placed the note on the bedside table, her mother glancing at it curiously as she averted her attention to the velvet box in her left hand. She opened the lid gently, her eyes growing wide with surprise as she looked at the contents inside.

   "Oh my gosh." Hermione spoke softly, her breathe hitching in her throat. She gazed upon the three stone engagement ring sitting in the middle of the box. A princess cut diamond sat between two sapphire side stones on a platinum band. Hermione carefully plucked the ring from its resting place as she gently slid the ring onto her fourth finger on her left hand. 'A perfect fit.'

   She held up her hand, watching it glisten as the sapphires and diamond met the light. "That's absolutely beautiful." Karen told her daughter as she stepped towards her, taking her hand in her own.

   "Harry has always been full of surprises, hasn't he?" Luna asked, watching as the brunette smile with joy.

   "That he has." Hermione agreed, as she looked out the window anxiously awaiting to meet her fiancé down the aisle.

   Two hours later, the white seats were now filled with the small group of people Harry and Hermione had invited to their wedding. At the center of the wedding arch stood Arthur Weasley with Harry standing left of him dressed in his green dress robes he had picked up the day before.

   Harry looked out into the crowd of people, looking at the many faces of those who wanted to celebrate this day with them. Amongst the wedding guests were members of Dumbledore's Army, such as Neville Longbottom, Seamus, Dean, Michael Corner, Padma and Pavarti Patil. Hagrid sat in the front row with his boarhound, Fang, at his side. Professor McGonagall sat next to Hagrid, and to her right sat Andromeda Tonks who was already through half a box of tissues.

    At the back of the ceremony stood Dennis Creevy, who worked as a photographer for The Daily Prophet and the only person who Harry trusted to take the photographs on his special day.

   "You ready, son?" Arthur asked Harry as he placed his hand on his shoulder.

   "As ready as I'll ever be." Harry told him, Arthur nodding at his wife to start the music. With a flick of her wrist, Molly enchanted the instruments to play All of Me, signaling for the ceremony to begin.

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