End of an Era

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Shad's POV:

I stared at the campers who were staring at me in shock. I just flashed them a smirk as I notice the immortal campers with their mouths agape.

"Look, I know I took a while to notice you guys, but my brother in arms gets my attention first" I shout as Nich chuckles before he walks into the crowd

However, as he passes the first person I see him vanish yet no one sees anything causing my eyes to widen.

"Pe... Shad, what do we do now that this fight is over?" Annabeth said hesitantly and I smirked

"Well I know I'm going to take back New York, and no one can convince me otherwise" I say as I pull a card off my belt and throw it into the ground summoning my motorcycle "My story may be over by the end of my battle but my journey is only beginning" I finish as I rev my engine and take off down the road towards the east

As I was driving I started thinking about everything I have done, everything I left unfinished. That time has come to an end. The end of an era, the end of leaving everything unfinished.

"It's time for a new Era, an era of completion" I say to myself not really knowing why I said such a thing

I shook my head and revved my motorcycle causing it to speed up so I could travel much faster. The only thing on my mind, the Era of Completion was upon me, and I would see it through to the end. I didn't care if it took me years, centuries even. My family, my friends, and my brothers and sisters were counting on me to finish what I started. They may be gone, but I am not, I still push forward and I will finish this. My story may be near its end, but my journey is only beginning.

A/N: You heard what Shadow said. An era of completion is upon us.

~Major Nich 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2019 ⏰

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