Welcome to Camp

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own Percy Jackson, nor Heroes of Olympus, Rick Riordan does

Shad's POV:

I sighed mentally as another prophecy was spouted. I looked at Sarah who was hiding behind me as Rachel gave the prophecy.

"What was that!?" She said with a shaky voice

"A prophecy" Artemis and I said in sync

"That's never happened before! And I've seen her a lot! Is she okay?" Sarah said and I nodded

"Yeah, I'm fine. Hades, it's been centuries since I felt that" Rachel said as she stood up and I sighed again

'So, they haven't had a prophecy for three hundred and thirty years??? Why now? Why is it when I get back I immediately get a prophecy' I thought to myself bitterly

"What was the Prophecy?" She asked and I quickly repeated it causing her to frown

"Son of the sea, death and oath?" She asked and I nodded "Who could that be"

"I don't know, but what about the realms splitting and cleaving apart?" Artemis asked and I had a vague idea "That doesn't sound good at all, especially if it means this 'Hero of the Damned' starts his journey" Artemis finished throwing a glance at me and I shrugged

At that moment, several flashes of light appeared in the fort, when the light faded the immortal campers and who was taken after the games appeared looking frantic.

"We just heard the prophecy from Apollo, this means a quest must be issued!" Annabeth said and she noticed me and Artemis "Lady Artemis, why are you here?"

"I was tracking the Chimera when I found Fort Sherman and Shad here killing it and Echidna" Artemis said and I shrugged at the looks I was given

"Speaking of which, where did that Ivory bow go?" I asked and Sarah ran over to a tree and quickly talked to a dryad and got the white bow from the branches before running back over and giving it to me "Thanks" I say with a smile and Sarah blushes

"Where's Susie?" I ask and Sarah sighs

"She went to bed, I'll show you" Sarah said before walking off

I made to follow her but Clarisse held me at spear point and electricity sparked from the spearhead.

"Where are you going?" Clarisse growled "You are not apart of this Fort, you have no right to..." She was cut off by me slamming a fist into her stomach before I grabbed her spear and wrenched it from her grasp

"I'll go where I want, when I want, how I please" I growled before dropping the spear and shoving past her and following Sarah

After a few minutes, we reached a room where I heard sniffling and I quietly walked in.

"Susie?" I asked when I felt something collide with my waist and I knelt down and saw Susie hugging me

"I-I thought the o-only person t-to ever b-be kind to m-me left me..." She cried and I wrapped my arms around her protectively

"What do you mean, the only person who was kind to you?" I asked softly and she gripped my jacket

"I-I was always b-bullied by people b-because I'm d-different" She said into my chest "I-I'm not the b-best at A-archery but I c-control light..." She muttered and I was silent at the fact she was bullied, then I was surprised that she could use Photokinesis

"Well, Artemis is the best teacher in archery, but my sister was trained by her and she is umbra-kinetic" I whispered to Susie who looked at me "If you want, I can contact my sister about you and she can teach you all she knows" I whispered and Susie nodded "One second" I said and I stood up and pulled a card from the deck and held it to my lips "Umbra, I could use your help" I whispered before I threw it into the ground and shadows gathered around the impact point before Umbra appeared

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