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Disclaimer: I do NOT own Percy Jackson, nor Heroes of Olympus, Rick Riordan does
A/N: the knives above are what they look like, the holster is on the arm bit of his shoulder... yeah I'm good at names...

Shadow's POV:

I held my hand out to Matt/Jace and I watched them hesitantly take it and shake my hand.

"Nice to meet you as well" they said and I smiled

"So, would like a tour of the place?" I asked and both Matt/Jace and Orion nodded "Well, it's a small place, but we do have a shooting/Archery range behind the hut, if you're looking for sword combat well, you could go out and challenge monsters but other than that we don't have much" I explain "We have an obstacle course all throughout the swamp here, I will need to build more rooms for you two but that shouldn't take too long" I continue as I walk to the hut and open it up to reveal Tartarus eating some food with Styx "This is my mother, Styx and my friend Tartarus" I explained and both Orion and Matt/Jace went wide eyed

"You're friends with Tartarus?" Orion asked and I nodded "Well, that's interesting..."

"How so? Percy here has done much for me over the centuries, he has to be my favorite demigod of all" Tartarus said and I chuckled

"Yeah, that is true, but I am going to head to the forge, I need to make a few things for a friend..." I say which causes Tartarus, Styx, and Umbra to raise their eyebrow

"What friend? Does this have to do with you appearing with Monster dust on you?" Umbra said and I nodded

"He is a nice fellow, quite skilled in combat, on par with myself" I say with a smirk as I walk out and over to the forge

I walk in and close the door and smile at the lump of pit metal that was off to the side. Pit metal was the name for the alloy of Imperial gold, Celestial Bronze, Stygian Iron, and Orthytic silver. I walked over to the metal and threw it onto the actual forge. After it was heated, I took it off and brought it over to an anvil where I grabbed a hammer and started pounding the metal.

"He better like this or I am going to be ticked" I mumbled to myself as I hammered the metal into a proper shape

Umbra's POV:

"Shadow has friends?" I asked Styx and Tartarus after Matt/Jace and Orion went off to explore the surroundings

"This is news to me, that and the fact that his friend is on par in combat scares me, Shadow is one of the most skilled fighters ever to exist, and that's without his blessings, with his blessings he should be unstoppable" Styx said and I vaguely recalled a dream I had where I was fighting a Percy look-a-like and a flying archer

"Maybe this has to do with that coin he has been fiddling with for the past few weeks, always muttering something about Aieon or Wofrium or something like that, like what in Chaos' name is Aieon and Wofrium?!" Tartarus yelled "And that coin is not Orthytic silver, I keep telling you, it looks like pure silver but it holds tremendous power" He complained

"Tartarus, it is just Orthytic silver, there is nothing special about it" Styx said as I sat down and started eating some food that was on the table

"I guess only time will tell" I said and Tartarus scoffed

"Chronos doesn't tell anyone anything" Tartarus said and I rolled my eyes

"Not what she meant" Styx said as she giggled

"Whatever..." Tartarus pouted and grumbled about Aieon and Wofrium

~Several weeks later~

A few weeks after we returned from the battle, Tartarus granted Matt/Jace partial immortality. After that, we scheduled hunting trips to keep an eye on the monster movement in the pit but everything was quiet and peaceful. A week later, Shadow finally came out of the forge looking quite pleased with himself, I asked him what he was doing and he responded with 'stuff'. At that, I just dropped the subject as I knew I couldn't get him to crack. I'm broken out of my thoughts by Shadow walking past me with a pure silver looking coin.

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