Chapter 1 - He doesn't know how right he was

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Chapter 1 - He doesn't know how right he was

“Tehan, I love you!”

Tehan blinked down at the girl who looked curiously like a rabbit in with her big black eyes that one could probably get lost in and round face like the moon with really chubby cheeks. Her long straight black hair was neatly braided to one. She wore a frock with puffed sleeves, which seemed rather faded and old.

Surprise and shock was prominent in his face as he stared at her for a full minute gathering his wits. Firstly, he never expected to hear those words from a girl, sincere or insincere. Secondly, she did not seem to be the type who was desperate enough to confess like this in public.

“Say that again,” he said in a harsh tone.

Sayumyi gulped, doing her best not to put a step back. Tehan was extremely intimidating as he glared down at her and gone was the adrenaline rush which helped her to confess to him.

“I-I love you?” she stammered, sounding unsure of it herself.

“Liar!” Tehan snickered. “If you love me why do you look scared enough to wet your clothes?”

Everyone around them started laughing. Sayumyi clenched her hands into tighter fists. This is exactly why they made me confess to him. He’s going to reduce me to dust.

She bit her lower lip. Go away tears.

Suddenly Tehan came forward and peeped into her face. His face was inches apart from hers.

“Oh, so this is because of a dare?” his voice was almost inaudible, but Sayumyi could easily read his lips which were uncomfortably close. In the next instance he was gone.

Tehan straightened up and smirked down at her. “If you really mean it next time, I’ll consider you, little rabbit,” he said loudly. There was a wave of gasps of shock and disbelief. Lots of jaws literally hit the floor. Tehan slung his satchel over his shoulder and walked off as if the stunned faces and looks of heartbreak he was getting were invisible to him.

“Woah, I thought you were gay,” Kasthuri muttered as they joined him.

“So you were the one who spread that rumour?” Tehan rolled his eyes.

“Why would I need to spread anything when your behaviour totally signaled it?” Kasthuri challenged.

“Anyway you did well, mallie,” Thejan changed the topic with a grin.

 “Yeah. Serves them right for trying to use you to humiliate a poor girl,” Anudhi agreed.


“Did he just call me little rabbit?” Sayumyi spluttered.

“Tehan freaking Senadheera said he might consider you and that’s all you can say?” squealed her friend Priyashi.

“Don’t take it into your head. He probably said it to save your face,” said Gayal, her other friend, sounding rather unimpressed.

“That means he’s considerate. Isn’t that touching?” Priyashi snapped. She was a Thejan and Tehan fan.

“I am just happy that I am still alive,” Sayumyi took a relieved breath. She looked like she was still in a daze.

“He said ‘if you mean it the next time,’ Sayum. That means he’s expecting you to confess again!!!” Priyashi started to squeal, jumping up and down like she was a five year old who got a bag of delicious candy.

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