"Family" Holiday

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Haven't updated in a while, sorry. Work's been a but busy.


The door to the bookshop jingles open. Aziraphale had just finished rearranging the shop for the incoming visitors. Despite the small space, everyone had voted the bookshop to spend some of the holidays.

1 week ago, Saturday:

"Must be lonely for him be alone on the holidays. Besides, they helped me stop the end of the world."

Adam supplied, when the Them were talking about those they met that summer.

Anathema Device had come back to town, moving in fully to Jasmine Cottage until she finds a proper home in Tadfield to stay with Newt. She had been there when the kids were discussing about the holidays.

"Oh, we could go visit tomorrow. See if they're up for it."

Sunday; Soho, London:

"Wait, you want to spend the holidays with us?"

Crowley frowned. He's never really celebrated the holidays, it's not his thing. He only visits the angel during the season to drink.

"Yeah. Thought it might be fun. I mean, we don't mind if you say no--"


Aziraphale beams, giddy about the thought of having a "family holiday". Crowley raises a brow a him.

"I mean, yes, you can have the holidays with us. We won't mind at all! Quite nice, for a change."

As they began discussing, they cross out Crowley's flat, and decide on the bookshop instead.

"My flat's too... cold for this sort of thing."

Present day, the day after Christmas:

Adam and the Them had brought a box full of gifts they had bought for each other. Arthur Young drove them all to London that morning. The Youngs had gone to visit some friends, and had dropped them off at the bookshop that morning before heading off to see their friends.

"D'you think they'll like it?"

Brian asked as they walked up the steps leading to Aziraphale's doors, carrying a side of the box full of gifts.

"He's an angel, he'll like anything. And Mr. Crowley likes anything that makes Mr. Aziraphale happy."

Adam replied.

"That is true"

"They're my goddads, in a way. Supposed to be, but they said they got a big mix-up so they raised the wrong kid for 11 years."

"And that's fine with you?"


They get into the bookshop, just in time to see the angel miracle the place clean. They notice the Christmas lights around the place and a small carpet at the side, spare decorations sitting on it.

"Oh! You're here early. Come in, the fireplace upstairs is set up and going."

"Will do, Mr. Angel, sir."

Wensleydale beams, helping Adam and Pepper carry the box of gifts.

"Oh, Brian, be a dear and take those decorations to Crowley?"

Brian nods and carries them to the second floor, where Aziraphale's flat was.

Upstairs, Crowley grumbled as he stared down the small pine tree. The children found this rather amusingly funny.

"You better behave. I grew you, I can ungrow you."

He hissed. He then turned and was surprised to see the children standing there.

"Well, Adam. Quite a bit early, don't you think?"

He was a bit red with embarassment, but he sauntered confidently anyway. He took the decorations Brian had, and made a gesture. The tree was decorated in a snap, literally.

"Right then, beanbags or cushions?"

Aziraphale had closed the shop for the holidays so no one was coming in. Currently, he was making hot chocolate for everyone upstairs...well, almost everyone. Anathema and Newt had been caught up in the traffic and were arriving a little bit later.

"Do it again!"

Pepper demanded excitedly. Crowley chuckled and morphed into his serpent form, and hissed.

"I see you're all enjoying yourselves."

Aziraphale cooed as he set the tray hot drinks on the small coffee table. As he did, Crowley slithered up his torso and soon, Aziraphale was face to face with his demon. They stared a while, the angel curious as to what Crowley was planning. Said snake hissed, his tongue flicking out onto the top of Aziraphale's nose.


The angel whined, furiously wiping his nose as the snake slithered down and morphed back into a chuckling Crowley.

"Are you two a couple, or something? Cause this closeness seems a bit odd to be just friends-ow!"

Pepper slapped Wensley's shoulder.

"You can't just ask them that!"

Aziraphale looked flustered where as Crowley simply smirked.

"Well, we could be. Not a problem with that."

The serpent simply chuckled, making Aziraphale even more flustered.

"R-right. Um, well, then..."

The angel stammered and walked towards his favorite Tartan patterned couch by the fire and sat in it, with Crowley on the other one, which was black.

"So, how was Christmas?"

Crowley asked, taking a sip of bourbon he had miracled into his hand. Aziraphale settled for some hot chocolate, so as to set an example for the children.

"It was great!"

The Them took turns showing off the new clothes they had recieved or the new gadgets they took with them. They told stories of their holiday as they waited on thr other two.

This is nice, Crowley thought. And it was. He had never felt more comfortable in 6000 years with anyone else but the angel. But here he is.

The doorbell dinged from below, cutting off the conversation.

"I'll go get it."

Crowley stopped Aziraphale from standing, and sauntered his way downstairs.

"If it's any customers--"

"I'll shoo them away, angel, don't worry."

Aziraphale smiled. He turned back to the children to see them giggling.


Okay. So here's the thing. You know how David Tenant and Michael Sheen both have played in stage dramas, both are good with songs? And both Aziraphale and Crowley love music? I thought, what if one day, the Them decide to come visit, and they all gather in the bookshop's backroom. And Anathema and Newt begin talking about musicals, and Zira pipes in, saying he's watched them over the time he's been on earth and so has Crowley, but the Them, being kids, have no clue how musicals can be entertaining and this leaves the elders apalled. So, to change the children's minds, they begin having a medley battle, where they just suddenly begin singing various parts of different musicals. Should I make the fic? Or not?

Ineffable parents [Hiatus]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora