Somebody Loves You

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I like the concept of a reformed Gabriel, who slowly changes his mind because he sees how genuinely angelic Aziraphale is, despite being a bit of a bastard. Also, you could use this as an unofficial sequel to "Gabriel Understands Now".

The Apocalypse had come and gone, or rather, it ended before it even began. Life continued as it did. The only difference now is that Crowley and Aziraphale now had become independent agents.

Sure, they still do what they used to, and they still report to Head Office. But now, they don't answer to Gabriel or Beelzebub. They answer to themselves. Gabriel had become more lenient and a bit more understanding, that the apocalypse was, indeed, a test for humanity and supernaturals alike.

He had decided to come visit the duo from time to time at the shop. Of course, Crowley would hiss at him like a vampire seeing the sun, but Gabriel paid him no mind.

"Uriel and Michael seem to have stopped coming along, is something wrong?"

"Oh, no. Nothing in particular. She's just off organising some things back in the office. We have a few new assignments in a few new towns that set up a few new churches."

"Ah, I see."

Crowley sulked in the couch as Aziraphale and Gabriel drank tea.

"These books are fascinating. No wonder you collect them."

Aziraphale beamed at his fellow angel's interest as they both read. He stood to pick up a book from corner of the room.

It was a book of healthy hobbies from the late 19th century.

"Since, as you said, you would like to spend some time on earth, this is something that can start you off on your earthly interests."

Gabriel took the book and smiled a genuine smile.

"Thank you. Do you mind if I...?"

"Oh, no, please do. Do you plan on taking space somewhere here?"

"I was thinking in the outskirts of London. Quiet, but close."

"Ah, that would be a delight to see."

Crowley simply stared at the two. He felt good knowing the others stopped treating his angel badly, but he missed spending most of the day with Aziraphale. He sighed and stood from his spot, thinking it best to head out for a bit.

"Crowley, dear, where are you you going?"

"Out. Getting lunch. Anything you'd like?"

"Oh! How about some crepes? Would you like to taste some, Gabriel?"

"Oh, well, I could maybe have one."

"Right. Okay. I'll be right back, angel."

Aziraphale waved Crowley, a small smile on his face mirroring Crowley's smirk as he left.

"He loves you too, you know."

The archangel thoughtfully said as he kept reading. Aziraphale choked a bit on his tea.

"H-h-how do you, um, how do you mean?"

"The love in the shop significantly decreased when he left. Just a bit was left behind. Hm, who would have thought? A demon loving an angel. Quite peculiar."

Aziraphale tumbled for a response but none came. He stood abruptly, and walked to the kitchen.

"Right-um-well, then... I'll... I'll go get us some hot chocolate. Reading's better with something warm to drink, after all. Yes, indeed."

Gabriel can't help but shake his head in amusement.

Crowley, who popped across the channel, got crepes from Aziraphale's favorite shop in Paris. He got take-aways for all three of them. Apple for himself, raspberry and cream for Gabriel, and a layered once for Aziraphale.

Upong popping back to the front of the shop, he spots Anathema and Newt dining in a nearby restaurant. He smiles at them as they wave at him.

"Oi, where's Aziraphale?"

Crowley asks when he spots only one angel in the shop. Gabriel smirks at him darkly.

"Wouldn't you like to know demon?"

"Where is he?"

"Something you won't even be able to save him from."

"Y-you... you bastard."

Crowley's eyes widen and he sets down the food carefully (Aziraphale would dismember him if he ruins the carpet), and rushes to Gabriel, grabbing his collar.

"What the hell did you do to him, you bastard?!"

Gabriel drops the book when Crowley lifts him off the couch, making a loud thud when it hits the floor.

"Crowley, dear, what are you doing?"

Crowley's eyes widen and he turns to see Aziraphale holding a tray of cups, filled with hot chocolate. Unharmed and safely in the shop. He puts Gabriel back down and picks up the fallen book, handing it back to the archangel. Gabriel smirks as Crowley grumbles, walking back to get the food.

"Gabriel, what did you do?"

"Nothing, really. Though I can definitely tell you, Aziraphale. Somebody loves you."

Crowley flinches and his ears turn red.

"Oh? That's... rather lovely."

Aziraphale smile at the thought. But he still doesn't get what's going on.

"I got these from that shop you like in Paris."

"Oh, thank you, my dear."

"Hm... let me correct myself, somebody really loves you."


Crowley turns to Gabriel to glare at him indignantly. The angel simply chuckles.

"Well, I'll just be taking my... crepes and head off to the park. I'll be back sometime this week."

"Oh, really? Well then, do mind how you go."

"Will do. Bye."

Gabriel smiles, taking a bite of his crepe, a small smile on his face as the flavors enter his mouth as he leaves. When the door shuts, Crowley turns to look at his, very safe, angel.

"So... backroom?"

He asks, waving the crepes in front of Aziraphale. The angel nods as they both head towards the small dining area in the kitchen.

Five days have passed and Aziraphale was busy fixing up the backroom from their drinking session earlier. He jumps at the soud of crying from the shop. He rushes in to see Gabriel grasping the whole snake enclosure in frustration.

"What do you want from me?!"

He cries in ancient Hebrew at Crowley, whose eyes were staring at him, unmoving and eerie.

"What's... going... on?"

"He's testing me! This demon!"

Aziraphale's face turns blank, looking at the other angel with a deadpan face. Crowley still stayed unmoving.



"You... you do realize he's sleeping, right?"

Crowley had a good laugh that night. He had se up a small camera at the side to see customers' reaction to his snake form. So far, none had made him laugh as much as Gabriel's.

"Really now, dear? Did you have to scare him like that?"

"He asked for it the second he tricked me into thinking you were taken."


"Besides, admit it, you found it funny too."

"...well, yes... a bit... oh, alright, a lot..."

Ha! Take that, Gabriel! He thought. Ah, revenge is sweet.

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