Gabriel Understands Now

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Was it a surprise?

Gabriel thinks not. The day he saw those photographs Michael gave him, he knew this wasn't a temptation. He knew there was more, and that this goes waaaay back to tbe beginning.

He just didn't think this was something he expected.

But he did.

He sighs.

The two were right. The Great Plan was indeed a test, not for humanity, but for the angels and the demons, and the Antichrist. The ineffable plan was ineffable. No one knew it, no one was entrusted it. It was Hers and Hers alone to know.

Gabriel, no matter how much he lets himself believe he is perfect, knows that he's not. He knows he has flaws, he knows he's not so pure. And he knows all the Angels are the same, too.

He knew that it was about time he pulled his head out of his ass, and be the angel that's meant to be what he is, a true angel. One of virtue, kindness, understanding, forgiveness, and mercy. And above all, one of love.

So when he recieved word that Aziraphale wanted to talk, he took this as an opportunity to make amends, and to actually create a bond with the principality.

Gabriel teleported himself to the front of Aziraphale's bookshop, where he, for the first time, knocked on the glass, asking to come in.

"Oh! Gabriel. I didn't expect you here so early."

"Yes, well. You said you wantef to talk, so let's talk. The sooner we begin, the sooner we get it over with."

"Ah, yes, well. Of course. Come sit, erm, would you like some tea? I know you once said that you--"

"Yes, please. If it's not too muh trouble?"

Aziraphale beams, and heads off to the kitchen to boil some water. He thought maybe some Green Jasmine tea would do, since this would e the Archangel's first time to taste such.

Gabriel stood from the small sofa and looked around the shop. It was warm and cozy, unlike head office. And he felt it. Love.

He looks around some more, and feels a strong pulse of love around him. Why had he never noticed before? Aziraphale loved this place, and he loved the memories he made here. Its love was stronger that what he could feel back in his office, and he was an Archangel, for crying out loud.

Gabriel sighs. Aziraphale is indeed the embodiment of what an angel should be like. A protector, a carer, a forgiver. If the Principality hadn't forgiven him, would he have invited Gabriel over? No, I don't think so, thought the Archangel.

"Angel, are you in here?!"

A voice sounds from the backroom, where the kitchen was. Suddenly, the amount of love in the shop grew significantly. It caught Gabriel off-guard a bit, but he straightened himself. Then he heard whispers.

He really shouldn't, but Gabriel eavesdropped anyway.

"Wh-ngk-gh-HERE?! IN THE SHOP?!"

"I wanted to talk to him, Crowley. He didn't force his way into the shop, I invited him."

"Y' can't be serious... after the trial... after the whole burn-you-with-hellfire-cause-you-disappointed-us ordeal, you're just gonna--"

"Yes! Now be quiet or he'll hear you. I don't want to scare him away with you here."

"Bfff-ghy-yeah, fine, alright. I'll be in your flat upstairs, then."

"Thank you, dear boy."

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