Unplanned sleepover (fluff)

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(Jeremy pov)

It was late and I was bored out of my mind playing video games and occasionally pulling out my phone to read fanfics. I mean what else a guy supposed to do at 11:00 pm?!

I decided to see if any of my friends were awake so maybe I could actually have someone to talk to.

When I say friends I mean Michael.

And when I say Michael I mean Michael Mell my best friend and gay crush.

Yes I know I know, I was dating Christine Canigula which obviously makes me straight.

Well lemme tell you something that's gonna blow your mind!

I'm bi and like a guy. More specifically I like my best friend.

Anyways...that's irrelevant.

I pulled out my phone and texted my best friend of 12 years.





I'm bored wanna come over?

I'll be there in 5

A smile spread across my face. I honestly loved Michael. He was the bestestststst friend a guy could ever ask for! I mean who else would just come over to your house when it was almost midnight just because you were bored?

I quickly attempted to make my room look a little cleaner and cleared off my desk so my room looked somewhat presentable before I heard a light tapping on the window.

I turned to see the grinning face of Michael and stifled a small laugh, walking over and opening the window quietly for him. We had to be careful so we didn't wake up my dad. He was a pretty heavy sleeper so it was never really a problem but I was still overly cautious.

"Heya Jer-Bear" the Filipino boy said and pulled me into a hug. It wasn't awkward like most people would think. We often just hugged each other for no apparent reason and we loved it. It made us feel more connected as friends. (It also gave me an opportunity to be closer to Michael physically)

I hugged him closely and rested my chin on his shoulder. "Hey Michael" I sighed contently. I hated being touched by most people but I felt safe being held by my best friend. He always made me feel calm and that's one of the many things I loved about him.

"Why are you even up this late Miah? Don't you have a geo test tomorrow?" Michael asked curiously with a hint of worry in his voice. He always got a little worried when I was up late before a test because he knew it was probably because my anxiety about the upcoming test was keeping me awake.

Yet another thing I loved about this boy. He knew me and he cared about me. He knew when something was wrong and tried to help me fix it. He was just so caring and perfect and just.......wow

I shrugged slightly "I couldn't sleep. There's no particular reason I'm up. I just couldn't shut my brain off long enough to sleep." I explained. Anxiety about the test had also played a part in my staying awake but I didn't feel like mentioning it. I didn't want Michael to get too worried about me.

He didn't look fully convinced but he didn't pressure me into talking about it. "Oh okay...shouldn't you try to sleep soon? I don't want you grounded for getting a bad grade. I cant lose the time to hang out with my favwite pewrson" his voice went from normal to a baby voice when he said 'favwite pewrson'

I rolled my eyes playfully at the very end and nudged the taller boy's arm. "Oh hush. I won't get grounded for a bad grade as long as it isn't an F and you know I'm not getting an F. Now are we gonna play video games or are you gonna pester me about my sleeping habits?"

Michael blew a strand of his dark brown hair out of his face before rolling his eyes. "fInE lets play vIdEo gAmEs" He said with mock annoyance. We both ended up laughing as I started setting up the gaming console.

A few hours later we had beaten a few levels and had gone through almost an entire bag of Doritos and a bowl of popcorn. Our beanbags were pressed together and my head was resting on Michael's shoulder. No homo though obviously!!!

We were both tired and the tv had already been turned off so we were just sitting by each other in total silence. The only noise that could be heard was our breathing and the light patter out rain on my bedroom window.

I obviously wasn't letting Michael walk home alone at 2:00 am while it was raining and in all honesty it didn't look like Michael wanted to leave either. I could feel his breathing grow slower which meant he was either asleep or getting close to falling asleep. I on the other hand was nowhere near close to being able to sleep. I had barely studied all week and I had a geo test at school that day. I couldn't study now and there's no way I could study right before school without making myself late.

I could feel myself slowly start moving into a state of panic. I knew I should've studied and I knew I shouldn't have slacked off so much and I KNEW this would happen! I involuntarily curled closer to Michael and held onto his hoodie. Thoughts started filling up my brain faster than Elizabeth Schuyler fell for Alexander Hamilton to the point where I could barely even see. Everything was sorta fuzzy and blurred while my thoughts raced at 100 miles per hour. Most of the thoughts were tearing me down and yelling at me internally for not studying and the rest were just pure panic. What if I got an F? What if I had a breakdown in the middle of the test? What if's filled up my brain and I felt a tear run down my face.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice Michael wake up beside me.

I felt an arm wrap around me and pull me into a warm embrace. I buried my head into the shoulder of the one who was holding me and let the tears flow.

"Jer talk to me. What's wrong?" The gentle yet firm voice of my best friend was the only thing I could hear other than the loud ringing in my ears.

All I managed to choke out was a distressed noise and held onto Michael tighter. He sighed and seemed to understand the problem. "Panicking over your test tomorrow?" I nodded and heard a soft sigh from the boy who held me in his arms.

"Jer it's gonna be okay I promise. Geo isn't til after lunch and we can study then okay? You're gonna do an amazing job on your test. Everything will be okay" his voice slowly began calming me down by whispering sweet nothings into my ear. My body relaxed in his arms and all the voices started quieting down.

I looked up at him teary-eyed and apologetic for making him deal with me like this. He gave me a small reassuring smile and I rested my head in the crook of his neck. "I love you" I mumbled quietly. I don't even know why I said it but I did and now I feel like an idiot oh my goddddddd.

After a moment I heard his voice softly respond "I love you too"

I smiled softly and let my eyes close as I cuddled with my favorite person in the whole world. Soon after we both fell asleep in each other's arms.

(Word count 1297)

Hey so it's frickin 1:00 am and I was bored. I know it probably has a bunch of grammatical errors but I'm tired and I don't feel like proof reading it rn. Tell me if I made any major mistakes in the comments please❤️


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