Chapter 1

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Nico's POV

"NICO!! BREAKFAST!!" I heard my sister as I got up from warm bed. 
I put on some black Jean's and a skull t-shirt. Grabbing my jacket and backpack, I headed downstairs to the smell of Colazione breakfast. An Italian breakfast, I might add.
Hazel had some bacon, toast, eggs and pancakes. Hazel is my  adopted sister. I love having two sister's to hang out with. Smiling gently, I sat down next to Bianca as we began eating chatting about daily life stuff.

"So Nico have you made any friends yet?

My mother asked, as she took a sip of her coffee.

"Oh I've made two friends, mama. their names are Percy Jackson and Luke Castellan"

I grinned taking a bite of my roll. Mama smiled gently, but I knew it wouldn't last if she knew they were both gay. It's not like she has anything against gays, but those two were... Hard to control... especially once their hormones got out of hand.

"The bus is here! You three best get going!"

My Father said. All three of us ran out the door and climbed onto the bus. We all sat together in comfortable silence as the bus continued to fill up with kids. After about 20 minutes we've finally arrived at Camp-half blood high. with that, we got off the bus and, the three of us headed inside the building.

"Bye Nico! Me and Hazel have to get to cooking class!"

Bianca said as they both waved bye and I waved back at them and Sighing, I headed to Biology class. As I  sat down at my desk, So Did Luke and Percy.


Percy asked. He made me dizzy shaking my shoulders. I glared at him as percy messed up my hair.

"So Nico. Luke and I  are going to a strip club tonight, and we're bringing you with us."

Percy said as, nearly making me dropped my cinnamon roll in the process. I looked at Luke and percy, who both grinned in return.

"Are you guys trying to get me in trouble?! if anybody finds out I could be expelled!"

I whispered harshly, as people began to fill the room. Mr. Chiron looked at all three of us with a raised eyebrow.

Sighing, I closed eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose. I opened my eyes, stared straight ahead, and wondered what the hell I had just agreed to,ignoring Luke and Percy's smug faces.

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