I'm alive.

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Hello guys! Just a little info before you read. I will not follow the timeline of Tom, like the things that happened in his life and this is a short story.... Bye! Enjoy!

        Is it possible that your heart can break a thousand times without you even knowing? I was sitting in Isabel's living room watching TV while she ranted about what happened back there. I focused on the commercial of Colgate and how it can actually make your teeth "white". My heart was still recovering from the accident a while ago, I mean it's just because of my hair that Tom didn't notice me right? And the fact that he thinks I'm dead right?

I tried convincing myself for the last few hours that it was a complete accident that he didn't notice me, but it wasn't working. That's until Ellen Degeneres show came on, what happened to Oprah? And Tyra Banks? At least those were the talk shows before everything went down. Ellen then announced, "Help me welcome one of our newest guest, Tom Hiddleston." applause. At that moment Isabel stopped ranting and stared at the TV, so did I with eyes as wide as basketballs. He came out walking comfortably as he greeted and hugged Ellen, I felt a pang of jealousy there, then he sat down. "Tom my man, I heard you're finally settling down?" Ellen asked and Tom did his adorable hehehe that made me melt. Before I would always try to mimic him.

"Yeah, It happened so fast." he replied as he scratched his head. Embarrassed to talk about his private life with someone who he isn't close with yet. "So how did it all happen? I mean you were the mystery man, every woman was trying to figure out if you dated anyone before or something." Ellen said, "Well you see, I had these commitment issues... then I met Ruby and everything changed. My world got a little brighter." he answered which made my heart ache. "Why with the commitment issues? Was there a woman before Ruby?" she asked, everyone in the crowd was silent so was me and Isabel, you can almost hear the mice scratching the floors in the other room.

"Yes, there was."

I felt like my spirit has floated up above the skies and left my body in pure bliss for a moment. "What's the story behind this woman of yours?" Ellen asked, seemed interested in his love life. Tom licked his lips as he started talking, "We were childhood friends then high school sweethearts. We were basically soul mates." he made the audience cooed at his story, it made my heart beat go wild. He bit his lower lip as he stared at the ground like it was the most interesting thing in the room. "She died in war." my heart sank to the bottom of my stomach, my heart was suppose to pump blood, not this!

"I'm sorry to hear that." Ellen said, regretting but at the same time not that she asked him that question. "She was a very special person to me, a part of me died when she passed. A part of my heart will always belong to her." he announced... For the whole world to hear!!!

I bolted up and pointed at the screen, "See! See! He still loves me Isabel!! We have to go to him and tell him that I am alive!!" I shouted excitedly. Isabel rolled her eyes as she said "Alice, we can't just go up to him and yell 'surprise' Jeez! You'll give him a heart attack!" I looked back at the screen just as Ellen asked Tom the girl's name that made him become a broken man. "Alice Stormheart." my heart swooned. "At least you have Ruby to fix you." Ellen said, Tom smiled as he looked at the camera, "It's because of her I believe in love again." I won't tell you how much that hurt.

"We have to Isabel." I whispered as I stared at the TV longing for him to know that a part of his heart is still alive and a part of him is still with him. I heard Isabel sigh as she said "Let me talk to him first." as she walked away to get her phone. I couldn't wait. I had to go to him. I quickly grabbed Isabel's bag to grab her wallet, I know it's stealing but I'll pay her back when I get back. I then changed into a long sleeve with a skirt and boots. I walked out the door without giving Isabel warning.

I had to do this myself.

I had no idea where I was going, the sun was already going down. I got more and more confused. I then asked directions to Ellen's studio which someone gave me and I walked all the way there. Only to find a huge well guarded gate blocking my way. "Excuse me sir, but I need to speak to Tom Hiddleston." I said but the guard barked "And who are you?" "I'm.... an old friend." trying my best not to burst into tears again. The guard smirked and said "Nice try." "But.. but Sir I really need to talk to him, he thinks I'm dead." I said but the guard brushed me off. Until a man with a suit came closer, "He thinks your dead? What's your name girl?" the man asked "Alice Stormheart." I answered. He then looked at me even more and said "No way."

"How?" he asked as he held me by the shoulders, "It's a bit of a long story." I replied shyly. "Then you shall explain on the ride." he said as he guided me to a car without asking me if I wanted to go or not. "Umm.. I don't wanna seem rude but who are you?" I asked, "Names aren't needed but I'm one of Tom's manager." he said with a mega watt smile. "Oh." was all I could say, "So how did you survive? Did you play a trick on him? What?" he asked almost too fast for me to keep up. "I was kidnapped actually and the US army rescued me." I replied, "Cool. What's up with the hair? Is it some sort of against cancer or something?" he asked, I shook my head and said "My kidnappers shaved it." "Cool." was all he could say. "If you don't mind me asking but where are we going?" I asked, my heart scared that I got into a car with a total complete stranger.

He laughed too fast as he answered, "We're going to Tom's Pent house, he is still hanging with Ellen. He and Ruby shall be home any minute. But we'll get there first. Let's surprise him." as he typed away on his cellphone like a professional multitasker. I was nervous that I was fiddling with my fingers. "Won't he get some kind of heart attack?" I asked the manager laughed hard, I couldn't tell if it was sarcastic or not. "Of course not deary! He would actually be... uhh.. let's just see." he said as he typed again on his cell phone. After a few minutes we arrived at a big, not too fancy building. It had Tom written all over it. The manager got out of the car without saying a word to me but I followed him inside the building and up the elevator we went. The things you do for Tom.

We entered a wooden door, but I was taken by surprise as flashes of cameras started going off and reporters started asking me questions. "Don't worry deary these are close friends, they are not the bad types of paparazzi or whatever you wanna call them." he said, leaving me alone in front of all these cameras. The manager then grabbed me and made me sit on the living room couch, everything inside was modern but it had a bit of home about it. That's one of the things I loved about Tom. "Wait here deary, when Tom and Ruby comes in. They'll both notice you then we'll all jump out and yell surprise." he said as they all started jumbling around to hide. I thought it was a stupid idea because the manager isn't clearly thinking about how Tom would feel about this.

I was once left alone on the couch. Making me even more nervous but what made my heart stop is two pairs of feet walking on the wooden floor. The front door opened and close then I heard their voices, "I'll go get something to drink. Get the bath running?" Tom asked, his voice which made my funny bone tingle. As Ruby started walking her heels clicked against the wooden floors, she stopped once she saw me in the living room. "Uhhh... Tom love did you invite any cancer patient?" she called out to Tom, I should be mad at what she said but I was more looking forward to seeing Tom. "Huh? Why on earth do you asked that?" he asked, his voice very near.

I then saw Tom once again he was still facing Ruby, as Ruby pointed at me his face turned towards me and everything froze. I couldn't read his expression on his face but not until I heard him gasp out like he was gonna faint, "Alice?"

"Tom, I'm alive." was all I said before the manager and the rest of the camera men filled the room snapping shots at us. Ruby tried shooing them away but nothing was working. Me and Tom stared at each other like we were the only two people in the room.

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