chapter thirty eight

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a/n sorry i have been SO FUCKING BUSY IT'S CRAZY. anyways, this is so cute to me. sorry if you don't like the name btw. i thought it was cute though.

"you got my bag?" i asked billie.

"yup, you ready?" she asked me.

"i guess," i said.

"let's go have this fucking baby," she cheered.

i waddled out the door with my huge ass belly.

i couldn't even see my fucking feet.

finneas and claudia went in their own car being that we didn't want everyone to be smashed in the backseat. we also wanted them to be able to leave whenever they wanted.

i was surprisingly calm in the car ride. i don't know if it was billie's comforting skills or not, but she definitely helped me.

luckily, the hospital was only about ten minutes away. i hadn't started contractions yet, but i just had that feeling that they were coming soon.

we all walked inside the maternity unit of the hospital.

"hello, we're here for y/n y/l/n," my mom said to the lady at the counter.

"hello miss, i'll give you your wristbands and i'll tell the nurse you guys are here," she said nicely.

we all walked up and she gave us wristbands. they were to identify billie and i. for the others, they were so the hospital staff knew they were with me and weren't just loitering around.

after a few minutes of waiting the nurse appeared.

"hello, you're y/n right?" she asked me.

"yep," i replied.

"okay i'll take you guys to the room. do you know who's going to be with you during delivery?" she asked me as we were walking.

"i'd like my mom, my girlfriend, my friend claudia, and well i guess my other mom," i said before laughing and showing her who was who.

"alright i'm guessing the boys will be waiting outside," she said laughing.

"yep sorry finneas," i said.

patrick was chill. i mean, i don't think he'd want to see me giving birth.

"okay here is your room," she said stopping in front and opening the door. "your gown is lying on the bed, so go ahead and change into that soon," she said.

she then left.

finneas and patrick walked out and that was the beginning of me having a baby. also, there were comfy ass chairs outside like i wasn't expecting that. there were even blankets and a tv on the wall.

claudia and our moms went in sat in the chairs near the bed while i began to change.

"do you need help mamas?" billie asked me while i was struggling to get my shoes off.

"please," i said thankfully.

"okay baby," she said smiling slightly.

she helped me get my shoes off and made sure i didn't fall or anything while putting the gown on.

"damn mamas you still be lookin fine as hell in that hospital gown," she said before lightly spanking my butt.

"here they go again, baby number two is gonna be here real soon," claudia joked.

our moms ended up laughing with us.

and then of course, the pain began.

"ouch," i groaned in pain.

neighbours| y/n x billie eilishWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu