chapter twenty three

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a/n thank you so much for reading and voting. i hit 2000 so ducking fast it's insane. seriously, thank you. also, i hinted at something in this but that's all i'm saying. also, there will be a time skip in one of the next chapters by a few weeks because it'll be so slow if i don't.

"you ready?" billie asked.

"yup," i said smiling.

we met the others in the hallway and decided to go to a brunch place since it was already 11:30.

"fuck yes i want a burrito!" billie said in her baby voice.

"you and those burritos," i said while laughing.

"you're like a walking bomb. all you eat is burritos, beans, takis, and avocados," finneas blurted out.

this made us all start dying laughing. i thought this so often but finneas is the funniest dude i know.

we walked down the street for about five minutes. the restaurant was really close and i was happy about that.

billie seemed eccentric about her burrito and i was laughing so hard.

we walked in the restaurant and a little girl came up asking for a picture. the rest of our 'clan' went to sit down.

"hey love," billie said before engulfing her into a hug.

"can i hug you too?" she asked nervously.

"yeah sure!" i exclaimed before pulling her into a hug.

we took a picture with her and said goodbye.

"thank you so much! also you guys are the cutest!" she squealed.

"awe thank you babe!" billie said.

her parents mouthed the words 'thank you' before leaving the restaurant.

"oh my gosh she was so cute," i cooed to billie.

"she was, i love meeting them," she said.

we walked over to the table and sat down with everyone.

"can i get you all something to drink?" the waiter asked.

"i'll have a pepsi please," billie said.

"same as her," i said pointing to billie.

everyone ordered their drinks and then we looked at the menus for food. at least we all did except billie.

"i want my fucking burrito," billie said in a singsong voice.

"hmm," i trailed off while trying to decide what to get.

"you're cute when you're confused," billie cooed before kissing my cheek.

"oh god here the fuck buddies go again," claudia joked.

"every time," finneas said with a fake sigh.

"y'all need to learn to shut up," i said before laughing with billie.

"hey guys have you decided what you'd like to eat?" the waiter asked.

we all ordered our food. i got a salad because well, i don't know. nothing sounded super good at the moment.

"so guys what are you planning on doing later?" my mom asked billie and i.

finneas cleared his throat and looked at us with a 'look.'

"finneas stop it," i said before laughing.

my mom just looked confused.

"i actually don't know," billie said.

"yeah me either," i said.

our food soon arrived and then i felt  better about eating the salad.

"fuck yes my burrito," billie said right after the waiter walked away.

we all just ate our food and talked about a bunch of random things. billie and finneas were embarrassing each other by telling stories about each other.

and man, that salad was so good. i still remember the taste. normally i'm not a whole healthy bitch, but i was craving it for some reason.

we finished eating and we all payed.

"okay you can all go do whatever i'll be with maggie," my mom said before hugging me.

"bye momma," i said as billie and i walked back to the hotel.

"i'm excited to see you perform tonight," i said bringing up a new topic.

"fuck yeah i'm excited," she said.

wow. this girl is something else. how the fuck is she mine? why does she even like me?

"billie can i ask you something?" i asked.

"yeah sure what is it?" she said before grabbing my hand as we walked.

"well i'm just so in awe about you, i'm just— it's not even a question i'm just so shocked you're mine," i blurted out.

she stopped walking and pulled me to face her.

"my career doesn't define who i am. i don't care if you're 'famous' or not. you are you and i love you y/n. you are the best thing that's ever happened to me," she said while looking into my eyes.

"i love you," i said before kissing her.

"i love you too y/n. you're perfect mamas," she cooed.

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